Despite the fact that the chebureks have orientalroots, the popularity of this "meat patty" is felt among the Slav population. There are many ways to prepare this dish. As a rule, recipes vary depending on the region. In this article, we will consider one of the simplest ways of making a cheburek. So, how to cook chebureks?


First we need four glasses (250 each).ml) of flour and about 320 ml of water, as well as chicken egg, two tablespoons of vegetable oil and 0.5 teaspoon of salt. Boil the water along with the oil and salt. At the moment of boiling, add half the glass of flour to the water and stir the lumps. Then add the egg, mix everything thoroughly, gradually pouring out the remaining flour. After the dough is ready, it must be allowed to brew for several hours. At the equator of infusion it is desirable to change the dough.


While the dough comes to the right condition, we'll giveattention stuffing. For the preparation of the filling we need 700 grams of meat. It is advisable to take mutton or pork, in which at least 1/3 of the fat. In addition, the filling requires 350 grams of onions, half a glass of water and spices to taste. At the first stage we let the meat pass through the meat grinder. Then beat off the finely chopped onions with tolk, add spices to it. Next, mix the forcemeat and onion until a homogeneous consistency. We add a glass of yogurt or 0.5-1.0 cups of water.


Cut out small pieces of dough and roll them outin balls, the size of a ball for table tennis. Roll each ball into 1 mm thick cakes. We lay out the forcemeat for one half of the cake and cover with the other half. The filling should be slightly larger than the thickness of the dough (1,2-1,5 mm). An important point - pressing down the edges, squeeze out the air, otherwise the cheburek will swell during frying. In addition, before cooking, check that there are no crevices and holes on the seam.


The final stage of cooking cheburekis frying. To do this, pour 2-3 cm of vegetable oil into a saucepan and wait until it warms up over medium heat. Then we lower the cheburek into the oil and fry it first with one, and then with the other side. In this case, you do not need to use the lid. Determine how much the dish is ready by the color of the dough. Ideal cheburek, as a rule, has a golden brown color. Another option for cooking can be grilling in a frying pan. To do this, use much less oil.

We cook chebureks at home, because this is a guarantee,that the product will be quality and safe for you and your loved ones. If you do everything right, the taste of this oriental dish will force you to permanently refuse to purchase chebureks in the markets and in other dubious places.

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