Perhaps the most popular berry is strawberry. Favorite delicacy in the country, a frequent guest in baking, yes, what to say, even the flavors of various cosmetics are strawberry. Let's talk today about the usefulness of strawberries, what is hidden in themselves, a favorite berry, many.

Strawberries: useful properties

  • Immunity. Let's start with the most general - immunity. A wide range of vitamins and minerals makes strawberries a treasure for our body. The maintenance of immunity, its strengthening is simply necessary in the winter and early spring periods, when the body is weakened due to the absence of sunlight. Therefore, it is worth taking care of this in advance. Frozen strawberries for the winter and absorb vitamins for immunity. More information on how to freeze strawberries, read on our website: "How to freeze strawberries?".
  • Eyes. Phenolic compounds, flavanoids, antioxidants, vitamin C, organic acids are a real salvation for our eyes. The decrease with age in the body of all these substances causes all sorts of problems with the eyes (dryness, burning, macular degeneration, etc.). Potassium, which is so rich in strawberries, reduces eye pressure, and this is another condition of eye health.
  • Arthritis, gout. These diseases are associated with the accumulation in the body of acids (eg, urinary) and toxic substances. Strawberries contain antioxidants and detoxicants that are able to counteract free radicals, saving our body from these diseases.
  • Brain. It benefits from every strawberry you eat and our brain. Vitamin C, organic acids in the strawberry make it possible to maintain the youth of the cells of our brain and the whole organism as a whole. This is explained by the same antioxidants, which are rich in strawberries.
  • Hypertension. The presence of this disease can talk about the excess salt in the body (the salt delays the water, which causes an increase in pressure). Potassium and magnesium in the strawberry make this berry an irreplaceable secondary "medicine" in the fight against hypertension.
  • The heart also benefits from strawberries. Low fat content in combination with folate, antioxidants, fiber contributes to the work of our heart.
  • Folate, contained in strawberries, protects the future baby in the womb from various birth defects.
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