In society, there was an opinion that it is very difficult to grow a lemon from a bone, and if it even turns out, then it will take at least 15 to 18 years to wait for the first fruits.

How to grow a lemon from a bone? In fact, with the right growing technology to achieve fruiting at this tree can be in four years. It should be understood that the microclimate in the room is significantly different from the subtropical climate of the homeland of lemons or the microclimate of the greenhouse. Therefore, in order to grow a fruit-bearing lemon from a bone, special techniques should be used.

Lemon bones usually very easily germinate. For their planting, first prepare a pot and soil. Planting lemon seeds is best in a pot of about 3 liters. At the bottom of the pot, several openings are made to drain excess water. First, a layer of large river sand or expanded clay is covered in a pot about 4 cm thick, which performs the drainage function. The soil for growing a lemon can be bought already prepared in a flower shop or mixed in equal proportions of ordinary land, sand and humus. Seeds of lemons should be planted at a depth not exceeding 0.5 -1.0 cm.

After planting the bones of the lemon soil wellmoisturize, and the pot on top is tightened with a polyethylene film. The germination of lemon seeds depends on their freshness and is from 10 days to a month. After that, the polyethylene is removed from the pot.

The pot with seedlings should be in a warm and bright place. But direct sunlight should be avoided, because they can burn delicate seedlings.

Sprinkle the lemon with warm and settled water as the top layer of the earth coma dries.

To grow a lemon from a stone is fast enough andjust. Within a couple of years from the moment of sowing, the lemon tree grows to a height of 50 -75 cm. From this time, to accelerate the fruiting of the lemon, it should be planted with a cutlet from the fruiting tree or proceed to the formation of its crown.

The correct pruning of lemon branches is not onlygives the tree a neat and beautiful view, but also creates conditions for the early formation of the fifth and sixth order branches. On these shoots, and will flowering, as well as the ovary of the fruit of the lemon.

A good care for the lemon tree leads to the fact that it can bear fruit practically all year round!

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