You are interested in an artisan plant with an unusual name - "garnet"? You want to see him at home, but do not know how to grow a pomegranate? Our article will help you to understand everything!

A pomegranate is a small sized tree (a family of pomegranates). The age of this shrub can reach up to sixty years.

The fruits of this plant contain many useful and medicinal substances. Since ancient times, pomegranate (pomegranate juice) was used as a healing elixir.

So, how to grow a pomegranate? Garnet can be grown both with the help of seeds, and with the help of cuttings, but it is preferable to grow the second way (cuttings). A pomegranate grown with a seed does not retain all the necessary properties, like a garnet grown in a wild environment. Fans of exotic plants quite successfully plant garnet at home. In an apartment a grenade can reach up to one and a half meters in height.

How to grow a home grenade

One type of grenade that is successfulpopular among lovers of domestic plants, is a dwarf grenade. This kind of shrubbery starts to bloom in the second year of life. A simple garnet blooms only in the fourth year of his life.

To plant a dwarf pomegranate, a small but wide dish is needed, since the bush has a surface root system.

For the growth of pomegranate, the composition of the soil is not important, the main thing is that the soil is slightly acidic.

Pomegranate can be safely, without any worry.grow on the windowsill, and it is not necessary to limit this plant in the sunlight, since the flowering of the plant is much more plentiful when it hits the sunlight.

Garnet flowers have a bright red color,they are located all over the crown of the bush. These bright flowers are considered a symbol of strong love. Garnet, grown at home, is not able to give you a lot of flowers. By diameter, the pomegranate fruit reaches no more than six centimeters.

No more than once every two years, you should take up the formation of the crown of the bush. In spring, you should do a small garnet haircut, and on the approach of autumn is already more thorough.

The soil of the pomegranate must always be wet. In the summer it is desirable to keep the garnet on the balcony, and in winter, when the leaves begin to fall off, move to a cool room with a temperature of not more than +15 degrees. In the winter, the bushes are not fed, and in the spring, when new shoots appear, the fertilizing is resumed.

How to grow a pomegranate from a stone

It is better to grow pomegranate with the help of cuttings, butwe are interested in the question - how to grow a pomegranate from a bone? Cut the fresh fruit of the pomegranate, pick out the bones and dry the seeds about one day. After the bones are dried, we soak seeds for the night in milk. The next day it is necessary to sow the seeds in a loose, moistened soil and lightly sprinkle with earth. Then you should cover the pot with a plastic bag, place it in a warm place with a dim light to create a greenhouse effect.

In a couple of weeks there will be shoots (white sprouts), now the plant will need more light. Polyethylene can be removed.

Hopefully, we explained to you how to grow a home grenade. Now everything is in your hands! If you have any questions about this, we will be waiting for your comments!

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