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How to grow a lemon?

Floriculture is a very fascinating activity. Any owner who has grown an ornamental plant with his own caring hands, experiences joy and delight, watching his growth and vital activity in general. And plants, in turn, try to please the owner with their beauty and health. Let's look at this article, how to grow a lemon.

All flower growers know that in return for the manifestedthey care and love, plants give the owner their beauty and fruits. Recently, quite often in urban flats you can find room tangerines, coffee trees or room lemons.

Basically, a lemon is grown from a stone. This is the easiest way. But in this article, we will not consider how to grow a lemon from a seed, but consider other options.

A few important nuances

If you decide to grow a lemon at home, then you need to know a few nuances:

  • The statement about the fact that the lemon is beautifulcan be grown from his own bone, not quite right. The whole point is that the tree will grow, but it's only with fertility that things do not go so smoothly. It will begin to bear fruit about twelve years later.
  • If you are going to buy a lemon tree, thenbe sure to specify its height. For those who are going to settle a tree on a windowsill, not high grades will do. If you buy a tree for a greenhouse, you can buy a tall one.
  • You should know that lemon trees canbear fruit all year round. In the flowering period, they please others with their fragrant and beautiful flowers. In order to obtain the ovary flowers need to be pollinated. If a lot of fruit is fastened, then it is necessary to cut off the superfluous ones and leave only a few pieces. The remaining fruits will grow large and tasty.
  • In winter, abuse with watering plants is not worth it. It will be enough to water the tree once in fourteen days.
  • For a plant, you need to choose a bright and spacious place. Make sure there are no drafts.
  • In the summer, take out the tree for fresh air, but avoid direct sunlight. In winter, the temperature should be at least 12 degrees.

How to grow a lemon from a cut

  • The most important thing is to have patience. After all, before you can, it will take a long time to collect your first harvest. But it's worth it.
  • Plant a lemon stalk in the soil. As a fertilizer, you can add two cans of sand, a glass of ash, 2 tbsp of cans per bucket of land. l. complex fertilizers, 4 cans of peat. Then mix everything well.
  • In order for the stalk to shoot and take root it is necessary to create suitable conditions for it. Take it and cover it with a jar. Let him stay in isolation for a while.
  • Water the stalk only with standing water.
  • After the stalk went into growth you can shootto the bank. But try to do everything without hurry. First, take off the jar for an hour, the next day for two hours, then three. When the plant has adapted to the external environment, the jar can be removed completely.
  • As soon as the young plant releases the peduncles they need to be removed. The plant needs to be strengthened.
  • After the tree is formed, you need to cut the shoots. This should be done first down, and then up. Leave about four branches at the trunk.
  • After surgical procedures, transplant the lemon tree into a flower pot and transfer it to the place where it will be permanently.
  • Do not forget about high-quality lighting.
  • Take into account, fertilizing with microelements and fertilizers is obligatory once a quarter.
  • Do not water the plant cold or verywarm water. Its temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. If you pour a lemon with cold water, then it will be bad for the batteries to act and this will soon affect the appearance of the tree.
  • Sprinkle leaves of lemon tree with water at least once every three days.
  • Take care that the plant does not freeze, because it is very thermophilic.
  • Somewhere, about a year later, a lemon bush will grow out of the cuttings.
  • After a while, the lemon tree will blossom, and then, the dark green inflorescences will be replaced by green fruits. Over time, the fruit will change its green color to yellow.
  • By the way, ripened fruits are replaced by young ones, etc. The process goes on continuously.
  • From one plant you can collect about 2 kg of fragrant fruit.
  • Fruit-bearing, the tree from the cut begins in two years.

Now you know almost everything about howto grow a lemon. Video related to this topic will also be very useful for you. If you comply with all the rules and recommendations, you will become a happy owner of a beautiful, very beautiful and fragrant plant, and later of fresh, ecologically clean fruits, grown with your own hands at home. You can also get acquainted with our no less interesting article: "How to grow a lemon from a bone?". We wish you good luck!

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