Avocado is a tropical fruit that hastart nutty taste, which is liked by so many people. But this tree of the laurel family is quite simple enough to grow independently at home and achieve its fruiting. Many people, from those who ask themselves how to grow avocados, worry that the avocado will grow into a huge giant. Yes, in natural conditions, avocado trees can reach heights of 15 to 20 meters. But with the dilution of avocados at home, it usually does not grow to a height of more than one - one and a half meters.

How to grow avocado from a stone

First of all, you need to go to the store and buy the ripe avocado fruit. After it is eaten, the bone should be carefully cleaned of traces of pulp and rinsed underwater.

To prevent the possible development of the rootrotted avocado bone should be kept for half an hour in hot water (45 -50 degrees C). Then a very sharp knife from the sharp end of the bone gently cut the layer in 10 - 12 mm. The resulting cut is dipped in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, which has an antifungal (fungicidal) action. Doing these steps should be mandatory if you want to grow an avocado at home.

Treated by the above methods boneAvocados are planted in a pot, the diameter of the upper part of which should be 15-18 cm. At the bottom of the pot, a drainage layer is made of small pebbles or river sand. The soil for the avocado should be light, sandy. A stone of avocado is planted in the ground so that its cut end protrudes above the soil surface by 2 -3 mm.

Pot, with a seed placed in it put inA warm (not less than 18 - 20 degrees) and a bright room, but from direct sunlight it is protected. The soil in the pot must be moist all the time. However, avoid excessive watering of avocados. this will lead to the decay of its roots.

About a month later from the bones of avocadowill seem like a tender sprout. The avocado grows without transplantation in the same bitter, into which the stone was planted until it reaches a height of 35 to 45 cm. After that, it is transplanted into a large container for constant growth.

How to grow avocado at home: the features of care

Avocados feel good in warm and brightIt does not like direct rays of the sun. The most optimal temperature for him is considered to be 16 -21 degrees C. In winter, it is necessary to increase the duration of a light day with the help of a phyto-lamp.

Watering should be done regularly, but the containermust have a good outflow for surplus fluid. In hot summer days, additional moisturizing may be required for the avocado. To do this, using a spray gun, sprinkle with cool water its leaves.

Young avocado trees need regular feeding. For this, in any flower shop you can buy fertilizers intended for avocados and citrus.

The growth of the avocado tree is regulated by its pruning. But it is better for domestic maintenance to grow avocado special dwarf species.

With room contents of avocados for the first time usuallyblooms at the age of 7-8 years. But the fruits on it are tied very rarely. This is due to the fact that avocado belongs to the class of cross-pollinated plants. Fruits in this case can only be tied up when pollinating flowers with bees, and even then this is observed no more often than in 2% of cases.

If you plan to grow an avocado frombones and, at the same time, receive fruits from it, then in this case two different types of avocado should be grown. Avocado tree flowers blossom at a strictly defined time of the day. According to this feature, the avocado is divided into two types: A and B. In order to obtain the fruit of the avocado in the future, it is necessary that trees of both types grow in the same room or plot. And then you will have the opportunity to eat an avocado grown by your own hands!

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