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How to lay a tile on the floor?

Repair in a house usually turns into stressfor the organism, and not only its own, but also all those who are in the radius of the area occupied by the apartment. Why is this happening? Why is it difficult to repair yourself? All this is because construction is not an easy task, which requires the availability of knowledge and experience. Let's increase our luggage skills to manipulate the tiles. We'll figure out how to put the tiles correctly. Tips will help.

How to put the tile on the floor - recommendations

The very first thing to do beforeput the tiles on the floor - this is to prepare the surface on which you are going to lay the tile. That is, prepare the floor. The basic operation in the whole matter of finishing the floor with tiles is the leveling of the floor. The fact is that on an uneven floor the tile looks very bad, especially if you are going to put a tile in the bathroom. In addition, you will experience great difficulties in laying, as you will have to select the level of location for each individual tile. Our article is devoted to laying out tiles, so we, unfortunately, will not touch on the topic of leveling the floor. But you can get useful information on this topic using this link: Leveling the floor with your own hands. How to level the floor.

Necessary tools and items

Here's what you need to put the tile on the floor:

  • Glue for tiles
  • Bucket for glue
  • Toothed spatula (15-20 cm)
  • Rubber spatula
  • Building level
  • Tile Cutter
  • Bulgarian
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Roulette
  • Sponge
  • Plastic crosses

Instruction - how to lay a tile

Determine how you will lay the tileon the floor. How will she lie? Diagonally? Smooth? It is necessary to answer these questions and imagine the future view of the room. This is necessary for the tile to look beautiful. The most important thing in laying tiles on the floor is the location of the very first tile. It is from her that the whole picture of the tile and, accordingly, the floor will be built. You should start laying the tiles from the place that will not be forced by furniture and that will be in sight. Many builders give this advice: lay the first side of the tile in parallel with the window. This is due to the fact that at the entrance the deviation from this line is best captured.

It is necessary for the test to lay out one or two rows of tiles and see if it deviates from the line of the window. If this is the case, it is most likely in the wall. The uneven wall affected the laying of the tiles.

Here's what you need to do if you want to set the tile well on the floor:

  • Prepare the glue solution. It is necessary to mix a dry mixture with water in a proportion of 2.5 kilograms per 10 liters of water. Do not make a large amount of solution, as it quickly withers.
  • Begin to lay the tile on the floor from the corner that you determined in advance.
  • Apply the mortar to the tile with a notched trowel. Strongly press the tile to the floor.
  • Take the next tile and repeat the steps from the previous step. Press this tile to the one that is already glued to the floor.
  • Wipe away the extruded glue.
  • Divide the tiles by a distance using plastic crosses.
  • So you need to lay out the whole series. After you finish the first row, start laying out the second one.
  • Do not forget to check the levelness of the masonry. Also it is necessary to pay attention to the uniformity of the tile arrangement.

Here's how to put the tile on the floor. Have enough patience, and you will succeed. Repair can also be turned into an exciting and interesting activity. The best result is obtained only when you are armed with knowledge, quality materials and a great desire to make the future room attractive. The builders note that laying the tiles on the floor is a fairly simple procedure, and almost anyone can solve it, even one who does not have much experience in repair work. It is much more difficult to prepare the floor for laying the tiles, that is, to align it. Also it must be remembered that uneven walls can prevent the tile from laying evenly. Let us repeat that the main thing is the desire to do the work qualitatively.

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