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How to lay a sidewalk tile?

Some people, especially those whoprefers to ennoble the territory near the house with their own hands, they often ask the question - how to lay the paving slab? In fact, this process is quite simple, if you become acquainted with the main points, it can be done by any man, even without experience. The technology of laying is quite simple. But thanks to the paving slab you will get a very noble and well-groomed look.

Choice of base and tiles

First, it is worth considering the loadwill account for the tile, this depends on the material of the base, on which the tile will be laid. In addition, according to the assumed load, the thickness of the tile is selected, which can be laid on concrete, sand or gravel. If it is supposed to drive the car, it is better to choose concrete as the base, but as a variant the rubble will approach, the thickness of the tile should be at least 35 millimeters. The tile is laid on a dry mix or on a solution, from which a pillow is made. But the tile, which has a thickness of up to 45 millimeters and is laid on concrete, is fully capable of withstanding the weight of the truck. To properly prepare the foundation, you need to find out the type of soil on which the paving slab will be laid. If you are interested in how to correctly lay a paving slab, it is important to pay attention to the technical characteristics of the tile itself.

Masonry of paving slabs

Initially, the excavation in the ground is not less than 15 cm. then the fence and the layout of the site are carried out, and the slope of the base must be taken into account, so that there is a place for the flow of water. Then one of the important processes is compacting or compacting the soil. To do this, use rolling or vibrocompaction, or simply well compact the soil. An important place is taken by the side stone, for which a notch is made of 5 cm, then this place is compacted and sand is poured into it. The side stone is important for those who do not just make a path, but want to make a site according to all the rules, to make a curb around the entire plot laid out with tiles. It will look beautiful and harmonious, as a whole. The side stone is installed in special recesses, where sand is poured.

For some sites, it is very important thatthe grass sprouted, and the soil was not displaced, you can use geotextiles for this. They need to lay the whole base of the paving slab. After this material is laid, it is covered with crushed stone to give a higher density to the site. The gravel is also tamped, you can pour a little water. Then again a layer of sand is poured and it is possible to start the laying of the tile itself. In this process, it is usually taped with a rubber or wooden hammer. If you do not understand how to put paving slab, video on the Internet will help you with this.

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