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How to put a tile in the bathroom?

An ordinary person who wants to transform hisbathroom with a new tile, has minimal building skills or does not have them at all. We suggest that you read the instruction on how to put the tile in the bathroom without having the professional knowledge and skills in this matter.

How to put a tile in the bathroom: instruction

Before you get to work,attention that before laying the tiles in the bathroom room should already be carried out sewerage, water supply, wiring and other necessary communications. Also recommend to put the tile in the bathroom in the warm season. The minimum temperature of the air in the apartment should be +8 degrees, and the wall surface +5.

  1. Align the surface of the wall so that the tile is goodShe stood and lay flat. If there was paint on the wall, it must be removed completely (it can be knocked down with a spatula, ax, or a perforator with a scapula), even if you have purchased glue for painted surfaces.
  2. Let's do one more job for better gripglue - primontem wall. Acquire a primer designed specifically for wet rooms. Treat her walls well, and you can even double it for greater reliability.
  3. Now it's time to prepare the glue. Of course, you should read the instructions on a specific adhesive, take into account its features. Well, in general, they do it this way ... In a container of water, slowly add small amounts of glue in small portions. It is best to stir it at this time with a mixer that will be attached to the drill. The glue in the end should not be too liquid, but not too thick. The thick glue is difficult to stretch over the wall, and the liquid simply floats from the walls.
  4. Before you put the tile in the bathroom, advisesoak it in water for 10 minutes. Thus, you will ensure better adhesion of the tiles to the solution, since all air will leave it. When the tile is saturated with moisture, and water displaces the air from it, you can lay the tile on the wall. Attention! Not all types of tiles can be soaked!
  5. For even tiling, use the water level and plastic crosses for the same joints between the tiles.
  6. After the surface of the walls is primed,made perfectly smooth, make sure that the walls are free of debris and dust. Go through the glue on the surface of the wall the size of one tile. Evenly distribute the glue with a spatula with a serrated surface, creating waves. The adhesive layer should be approximately 3 mm. Press the tile against the wall tight enough. And before putting the next tiles in the bathroom, place between them plastic crosses, so that the width of the seams is the same. Begin to lay the tile in the bathroom from the very center of the wall and iditol to the edges. Work from the bottom up. It is recommended to place the rake on the floor and level the level. The first row from below is laid out on the rack. For alignment of the next rows of tiles, vertical slats are punched at the corners of the walls.
  7. Leave the tile to dry for 24-48 hours. It all depends on the glue that you choose. Then apply a grout (for example, a mixture based on cement) between the seams.
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