Ink stains are one of the most unpleasant and difficult to extract. But getting rid of them is still possible. Here are a few proven ways to clean ink from different surfaces.


  • Well soap your hands with ordinary household soapand rub them with pumice stone. For the back side of the hand, pumice can be replaced with a conventional brush: sensations after it will be less unpleasant. If the ink has fallen into the folds of the skin or on the hardened areas, then hands should first be rinsed for 15 minutes.
  • Squeeze out the juice of fresh lemon, moisten them with a cotton swab and wipe the places with dirt. If the first time did not help - repeat the procedure several times.
  • Surprisingly, but from ink stains can save tomato juice. Wipe them hands and rinse with warm water.
  • Remove ink from your hands will help alcohol. After this method, you should use the cream to get rid of the sensation of dry skin.

the cloth

  • Dissolve 2 teaspoons of soda in a glass of water, add 1 teaspoon of ammonia to it. Soak this solution for 10 to 15 minutes and rinse with running water.
  • The soiled item can be soaked in sour milk, and then washed in water with the addition of ammonia or borax.
  • Stains on the fabric can be removed with a few drops of valerian tincture or 90% alcohol. Spot should be well soaked in a solution and wait 30 minutes, during which time the alcohol will empty the ink.

It is important to know what to wash the ink from different tissues. For example, for silk and wool, a solution of denatured alcohol with hydrochloric acid (3 drops of acid per 1 tablespoon of denatured alcohol) is suitable. White cotton fabrics will be saved by simple citric acid, and from the colored clothing the ink will come off after using glycerin with denatured (in the proportion of 2 teaspoons of glycerin and 5 parts of denatured spoons). An incorrectly chosen method can hopelessly spoil the fabric of your product.

From ink stains, you can try to get rid of ordinary washing. How to do it correctly, you will learn in the article How to wash the ink.


  • Wash the soiled areas with carbonated water "Pepsi" or "Sprite".
  • Stains of ink from linoleum will be removed by ammonia or boric acid.
  • Dip the cotton swab into the nail polish remover(always with acetone) and remove the ink stain. To begin with, it's better to test the method on an inconspicuous area, since cheap low-quality linoleum can deteriorate from acetone.

Hard and poorly absorbent surfaces (such asdifferent types of plastic) can clean a simple paper band. But getting rid of ink from paper is an art. You can read more about this here: How to remove ink from paper.

Remember that it is best to clean the fresh spot, which did not have time to penetrate deeply into the material. Therefore do not delay with cleaning and immediately get down to business.

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