Before you start washing the glasses, carefully inspect their surface.

In addition to the usual dirt and dust,there must be other contaminants, such as scotch marks, dried paint, or limescale. In this case, it is from them that you will need to clean the glass first.

How to clean glass from scotch tape?

  1. To remove traces left on it from the glassAfter removing this adhesive tape, use vegetable oil, which destroys the structure of acrylic adhesive, which is an adhesive layer of any adhesive tape.
  2. Oil will fit any: sunflower, rapeseed or corn. Soak the oil with a clean soft cloth and start rubbing it with glass in places where the remains of glue are visible on it.
  3. Gradually, the glue will begin to break down and move to a rag. Replace it and continue working until the last traces of scotch have disappeared from the glass.
  4. If these tracks are old and do not wantwipe off, for two or three hours, attach a napkin impregnated with oil, and after the glue softens, remove it in the manner described above. Similarly, oil can remove from the glass traces of self-adhesive labels.
  5. When the glue is completely removed, wipe off any residual oil from the glass with paper towels and rinse the glass with a degreasing dish detergent.

In the same way, traces of adhesive tape from the glass can be removed with the help of 96% ethyl alcohol, white spirit or acetone.

How can I wash the glass of dried paint?

  • With a razor blade or a construction knife, gently scrub the dried paint off the glass surface. Do this very carefully in order not to scratch the glass.
  • Remnants of the paint wipe off the glass with a swab dipped in acetone, white spirit, refined gasoline or kerosene.

How to wash the glass of fat?

  • Traces of fat from the glass remove sponge, moistened with a dishwashing gel, or undiluted ammonia.
  • From the surface of frosted glass, fat can be removedusing a chalky solution. Pour two or three tablespoons of crushed chalk into a glass of water and stir well. Apply this chalk chatter on a greasy stain, wait until it dries, and wipe off the chalk along with the soaked fat in it with a soft cloth.
  • With a glass countertop or oven door fatcan be removed with conventional baking soda or baking powder (baking powder). Sprinkle soda or powder in a thin layer on the grease stain on the glass, drizzle with hot water and leave it there for an hour. After that, wipe off the soda (or baking powder) together with the softened fat from the glass surface.

How to wash the glass off the lime scale?

To dissolve the lime deposit remainingon glass from stiff tap water, use vinegar essence. Dissolve a tablespoon of essence in a glass of water and moisten the lime scale with this solution. After half an hour, wipe off the softened coating from the glass with a cloth or sponge

After the glass has been cleaned of allstains, wash it whole and polish with a cloth made of flannel or microfibre. How to do this, is described in detail in our article How to Clean Glass.

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