We all went to school and are very familiar withtraces of a ballpoint pen or an ink pen on clothes. And also with a painful question: how to wash the ink? The easiest way, of course, is to use modern household chemistry for special purposes or to give the thing to dry cleaning. Unfortunately, not always these options are acceptable or available.

How to wash ink from clothes at home

There are several ways how to wash the ink off the clothes. Let's consider each of them, so that you choose the most suitable for yourself.

  1. A fresh stain from the ink can be washed usingethyl alcohol and acetone in a ratio of 1: 1. It is very important that such a solution is suitable for all types of tissue. The procedure is as follows: Apply a freshly prepared solution to a fresh stain from ink and rub it gently. After that, wash the thing in the usual way.
  2. If there is an obsolete ink spot, the above solution must be applied directly to the spot and ironed, then washed.
  3. To remove ink stains from silk or woolwell suited gasoline soap or its concentrated solution. Apply the product to the ink to remove the stain. After cleaning the cloth, wash the product in your powder.
  4. Corrupted ink can be washed andnatural stain remover - sour milk. Soak in a warm sour milk thing for a few hours. Then wash in soapy water with the addition of borax or ammonia.
  5. If the stain from the ink has sat on the jacket orwindbreaker try to bring it out with lemon juice or a solution of citric acid. Pour a lemon into the stain and wash it in a usual powder. In case of failure, repeat the procedure by adding a powder to the lemon, then wash the outer clothing again.
  6. What would wash the ink from the clothes usedsolution of ammonia in water. To do this, dilute 1-2 teaspoons of alcohol in a glass of water. This solution is applied to the stain and left to completely dissolve the ink, after which it is recommended to wash clothes.

In addition to the above methods of howwash the ink from the clothes, you can also use a solution of glycerin, hydrogen peroxide, acetone or liquid to remove nail polish, fresh tomato juice. You need to remove the stain with a cotton swab, putting a dense cloth under it, that would not have passed to another piece of clothing.

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