There is an almost fantastic theory thatcats possess telepathy and are able to see images that create the brain of a person or other cats. But let's leave this theory to scientists, and we'll talk about what cats understand when communicating with a person.

  • The audio range in which he hears and cancommunicate a cat, much wider than a person. A cat hears a man, but a person does not always hear a cat. How much do cats understand human language? As a rule, only single words. How many? It's difficult to say, because unlike dogs, cats do not tend to please the master and do not often show their understanding. There are cases when cats could, by a voice request, bring up to two dozen different objects. To do this, the animal must distinguish words and compare them with specific objects. But in any case, every cat knows its name and a few words from human speech.
  • However, cats are much moreoriented not on words, but on the rhythm of speech and intonation. When you call your pet to eat, you say words with certain intonations. That's it and they remember the cat. Try with the same intonation to say some other words. Your cat will rather believe in intonation than the words themselves.
  • Not an unimportant factor in understanding a human catare gestures. Body movements are very important in the life of cats and therefore they carefully follow the gestures of a person. Remember how often your cat before jumping on your hands, asks you for permission - sits opposite and looks you in the eyes. It is enough to wave a hand or slap yourself on the knees, as the cat immediately finds itself on its knees and fits more comfortably.
  • Asking the question, do we understand cats and howthe way they do it, it's worth remembering that cats are very sensitive creatures. They feel our state of health and mood much better than you and me. The cat, most likely, will not come out to greet the owner if he comes back in a bad mood and will certainly do, if the owner has something to hurt. Sore place has a higher temperature that cats feel. It is to this place that the warm, muzzling cat lies. As studies have shown, the warmth of the cat's body and the vibration from the mulching provide an excellent therapeutic effect on humans. Is this not an understanding between a man and a cat?
  • Do not forget about the smells. For a man, smells do not mean much, but the cat lives in a world of smells, and in her world, smells are one of the means of communication. Do you think the cat will feel that you are cutting meat in the kitchen? Or that you just opened a bag of fragrant stew? Of course he will! And this is the same, a feline way to understand a person.

Do cats understand people? Of course, they understand. But they understand in their own way. And, the longer a cat lives in the house, the better she understands the person. Try and take a step towards your pet!

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