Thyroid disease today refers tothe number of the most common diseases, and, as a rule, people do not feel any prerequisites for the disease, and then suddenly detects the nodes. In this article we will tell you how to treat thyroid nodules.


Diseases of the thyroid gland - an unpleasant thing,cure them is not so easy, but because the best treatment in this case - prevention. Moreover, prevention measures are quite simple: you should not walk in the cold without a hat, load yourself excessively physically, neglect the right sleep.

How to treat?

There are quite a few ways to treat the thyroid gland, but they can all be divided into two groups:

  • hormonal preparations;
  • surgical intervention.

If the nodes are malignant, the patient is urgently assigned an operation, otherwise the treatment is carried out by hormonal drugs and folk remedies.

Folk remedies

At the initial stages of the development of the thyroid diseaseThe gland can be cured with herbs. Especially useful tincture of mint, valerian and hawthorn. Ready mix can be bought at the pharmacy. In addition, excellent help in the treatment of thyroid gland septum walnut. It is necessary to fill a glass of partitions with a liter of vodka, insist a week and take a teaspoon of tincture three times a day after meals. The first course - 10 days, then a break for 7 days, after which the course is repeated. Treatment can be conducted on this schedule for up to three months.

Hormonal preparations

If the disease is already at the stage when folkrecipes do not help, it is worth turning to hormonal drugs, but the prescription for a particular drug should be taken from a doctor. Hormonal preparations have a lot of unpredictable side effects, and therefore it is necessary to choose it taking into account the characteristics of the organism.

Read also: How to treat the thyroid gland.

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