In our time, goiter disease occursoften enough. In order to notice its development in time and promptly seek medical help, it is necessary to understand well what a goiter is and to know its symptoms.

So, what is goitre of the thyroid? This term unites all diseases associated with impaired thyroid function, which are expressed in its marked increase. The thyroid gland is located in the anterior part of the larynx, therefore the goiter is visually very noticeable and is perceived as a physical defect. Outwardly, the goiter looks like a thickening on the neck in front and (or) on the sides, resembling an inflated bag.

Causes of goiter

The goiter is a disease that combines several disturbances in the body's functioning, so the reasons for its development are different.

The main reason is iodine deficiency in water and products. Iodine is necessary for the production of hormones, so if there is not enough of it in the blood, the goiter gradually develops.

Poor environmental conditions also stimulate the development of the disease, slowing the activity of the thyroid gland.

Depending on the causes of the disease, the diffuse and nodular goiter is isolated.

What is diffuse goiter?

Sometimes, for some unknown reason, the immune systemthe body suddenly starts producing antibodies against the cells of its own thyroid gland. When the amount of hormones produced becomes more than normal, a diffuse goiter is diagnosed.

What is nodal goiter?

Nodular goiter occurs as a reaction to adenomathyroid gland or cancers in it. Then the division of cells becomes uneven and nodal formations appear in the thyroid gland. Causing nodal goiter may be toxins, heredity, radiation.

Signs of goitre of the thyroid gland

The first stages of the development of the disease often go awayunnoticed. Only later, when the thyroid gland has greatly increased in size, the disease can be diagnosed visually. But nevertheless there are some signs which occurrence should alert and become an occasion for the reference to the doctor:

  • unpleasant sensations in the throat, pain and feeling of throat contraction;
  • difficulty in breathing and swallowing;
  • increased sweating, weight loss;
  • depressed state, fatigue, drowsiness;
  • nervousness.

Treatment and prevention of goiter

If the thyroid gland is not increased significantly and is due tolack of trace elements, it is enough to take medications containing iodine. Sometimes prescribed hormonal medication. In the case of malignant lesions, the patient is shown surgery.

A good prevention of goiter is regularuse of iodized salt, seafood, walnuts and dried fruits. Salt should be added to food after cooking to preserve all trace elements.

Also you may be useful article How to treat the thyroid gland.

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