Thyroid gland (usually it is called simply"Thyroid") is one of the most important components of the endocrine system of the human body. It is a gland of internal secretion, which synthesizes the hormones necessary for stable body homeostasis.

If there are health problems, it is necessary to check the thyroid gland, as it is often the cause of many ailments.

What is the thyroid gland and what is its structure?

This gland is a symmetrical organ,which consists of an isthmus, as well as two joint lobes adjacent directly to the trachea (with the isthmus located on the front surface of this organ). It should be noted that some authors of works on medicine allocate in the thyroid gland a pyramidal share, as a separate part of it.

Weight shchitovidki ranges from 20 to 65 grams, andits size varies in fairly large limits and depends on a variety of characteristics, such as sex and age, etc. In old age, the thyroid gland decreases, and at the time of puberty, on the contrary, it increases. In addition, it is worth considering that during pregnancy, its dimensions also increase, but over time (usually 6 to 12 months after delivery), it decreases.

What is the thyroid responsible for?

Hormones produced inside the thyroid gland protrudeas the main governing elements of homeostasis in the entire human body. It is thanks to them that the constant temperature of the human body and the production of energy are maintained. They regulate the amount of oxygen consumed by the tissues of the body, and also control the process of neutralization and creation of free radicals.

With the participation of hormones from the thyroid glandthe formation of new cells is carried out, metabolic processes in the organs and apoptosis (the genetic program of death of old cells) are carried out. During the whole life period, the thyroid gland secretes hormones that indirectly affect the physical and mental development of the body, as well as the mental state of a person.

Because of the deficiency of hormones produced by the dataorgan, bone tissue diseases can develop, stunted growth and problems with immunity appear. With problems with the thyroid, the body stops fighting infection because of lack of stimulation of T cells.

What does the thyroid gland do?

Shchitovidki fabrics are able to accumulate suchan amino acid, like tyrosine. It is used by the body for the synthesis of thyroid hormones and is stored as a special protein - thyroglobulin. Inside this gland, two types of hormones are also synthesized that contain iodine - triiodothyronine (known as T3) and thyroxine (known as T4), as well as calcitonin related to peptide hormones.

It is worth considering that the synthesis of hormones T3 and T4occurs in the presence of molecular iodine, as well as a special enzyme called TPO (thyroid peroxidase). This process occurs in the apical part of the thyroid gland.

What affects the thyroid gland and what diseases can affect it?

Referring to the statistics of the WHO (World Health Organization)Health Organizations), it can be noted that thyroid gland diseases rank second among all disorders of the endocrine system, giving way to diabetes mellitus. Over 665 million people suffer from various thyroid diseases and pathologies.

Very often you can find nodes in the thyroidgland - these are small rounded formations, which consist of lymphatic tissues and create a feeling of "lump in the throat". They most often occur in people older than 50 years and can be a consequence of both bad ecology and many other external factors.

To treat the thyroid gland from AIT (autoimmune thyroiditis) and knots is only necessary for qualified specialists who can accurately diagnose and select treatment.

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