Normally, a healthy person is allocated a dayabout 1.5 liters of urine. As a rule, people urinate 5-6 times a day, the greatest volume of fluid is released during the day. If a person notes a significant increase in the amount of 24-hour urine, he should tell his doctor about it.

Polyuria - increased amount of excreted urine. Its volume can exceed 2 liters, and in very severe cases - 3 liters per day. It occurs with various diseases, and also has other causes and is temporary.

Possible causes of polyuria

Diseases as causes of polyuria:

  • some kidney diseases (chronic pyelonephritis, renal failure, polycystic kidney disease, Barter's syndrome, hydronephrosis);
  • diabetes mellitus (the content of glucose in the urine increases its density, as can be seen in the analysis);
  • diabetes insipidus (this is a fairly rare disease in which the work of the pituitary or hypothalamus is disrupted, its sign is polyuria).

Non-pathological causes of polyuria

If you have a lot of urine, the reasons can be not only in sickness. Here, that promotes the formation of a large amount of urine:

  • Urine will be many if the swelling began to subside too quickly.
  • In addition, if a person consumes too much alcoholic beverages or liquids with caffeine content, then the urine will be increased.
  • Most pregnant women note that they have a lot of urine. No wonder, because the enlarged uterus exerts tremendous pressure on the bladder.
  • The use of diuretics will beincrease the amount of daily urine. Its increase is also caused by toxic substances, namely ethanol, amphotericin, demeclocycline, lithium, propoxyphene, methoxyflurane.
  • There are also particular reasons why a man has a lot of urine. These include: feeding the patient with food through a probe, the introduction of urea intravenously.

To distinguish pathology from physiologicalchanges, the doctor conducts the test with liquid deprivation. And then appoints the appropriate treatment or gives recommendations on how to resolve the temporary problem. If you have a reverse situation, when urination happens less and less often, refer to our next article.

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