Urinalysis by Nechiporenko is a laboratorythe method of diagnosis, after which the doctor can evaluate the functional urinary tract and the kidney condition in the patient. The most popular analysis of urine is the Nechiporenko analysis. How to pass this analysis is not known to all. Consider the detailed urine collection instructions for Nechiporenko:

Instruction how to collect urine by Nechiporenko

To conduct the analysis, you need to collect the morningthe average portion of urine. After the morning hygienic toilet of the genitals, the patient must urinate in the first glass container, then continue into the second sterile jar and finish it already in the third. All three tanks must be clean and sterile. More urine should be in the second bank. The resulting urine is poured into a vacuum tube.

Delivery of the analysis to the clinical diagnosticthe laboratory is carried out during the day, that is, 24 hours at a permissible temperature of + 3 + 25. The time of the study is about 1.5-2 hours, which is not a very long time. In the analysis of urine according to Nechiporenko, the laboratory assistant determines the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes and cylinders with the aid of a countable special chamber. The norm of urinalysis in adults: erythrocytes - not more than 1000 in 1 ml of urine; leukocytes - no more than 2000 in 1 ml of urine; Cylinders - no more than 20 in 1 ml of urine. The doctor evaluates the result of the analysis, does the diagnosis, and, if necessary, prescribes additional studies, and also chooses a course of treatment when setting the diagnosis.

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