It is important and useful for every person to know about hisbody as much as possible. The school is studying anatomy, which tells in detail how the human organs are located in the body. Over time, this knowledge can be forgotten, but from this they will not become less important. We suggest that we once again plunge into the school theme about the arrangement of organs in the human body and once again clarify where the organs are. We will examine the organs in order.

Human organs

A heart

The first body in question is howinternal organs, we will consider the heart of man. The heart is in the chest, most of the heart is located in its left region, the small part is in the right. The heart is an organ that has four compartments, it consists of muscles that constantly contract and relax. The heart never stops, while a person is alive, it disperses blood throughout the body.


This organ is a mass of the nervoustissue that is located inside the skull. The brain is the most important organ of the nervous system, it controls the nervous activity and thinking of man. The largest part of the brain is its two hemispheres, which are responsible for movement and mental processes. Under the hemispheres, behind the head is the cerebellum, the organ responsible for balance and muscle reflexes. The Varoliev Bridge is another part of the brain, located below the cerebellum, its function is to obtain nerve impulses and their further transmission. Below the Varoliev Bridge is an oblong brain, which gradually passes into the dorsal. He also deals with the transmission of nerve signals.

Spinal cord

The next body in question is wherewhich organ is the spinal cord. The spinal cord is located in the vertebral canal. This channel is formed by separate vertebrae, which are combined into the spine. The spinal cord begins from the medulla oblongata and ends in the lower back. The function of the spinal cord is the transmission of signals to the brain from all other organs.


It is the gland located in the deepening of the skull. It produces hormones that enter the bloodstream.


It is a muscular organ that is located in the oral cavity. Language is necessary for the recognition of the taste of food, for chewing it, and also language participates in the formation of speech.


It is located behind the nose and mouth. The pharynx lets through the air that a person breathes, and the food that it feeds on. Down from the throat go: the esophagus, through which food enters the stomach, and the larynx through which air passes into the trachea, and then into the lungs.

Palatine tonsils

The paired glands located behind the tongue on both sides of the pharynx. Doctors believe that they detain bacteria so that they do not get in.


Located at the back of the pharynx, above, behind the nose.


We continue the conversation about how the organs are locatedrights. The larynx is the upper part of the trachea. Find out the location of the larynx easily on the bulge in front of the throat, which is called the "Adam's apple." In this "Adam's apple" there are vocal cords.


It can be found on the front side of the neck, itlocated on both sides of the trachea. The function of the thyroid gland is the production of a hormone responsible for the splitting of the eaten food. Also, the thyroid gland helps to restore worn out cells of the body.

The parathyroid glands

They are 4, they are behind the thyroid gland and produce a hormone that controls the amount of phosphorus and calcium in the body.


This organ-tube, which goes from the pharynx to the stomach, its function - the transfer of food from the mouth to the stomach.


The organ starts from the larynx in its lower part, then divides into two bronchi. Trachea transmits air to the lungs and out of them.


They bind the trachea and lungs, located between them.


Inside the chest are the lungs,protected by ribs from all sides. When breathing in, the lungs take in the oxygen necessary for the vital activity of the whole organism, and when exhaled, carbon dioxide is released to the outside.

Thoracic glands

There are men and women, but the second has more. Breast glands produce milk for feeding a child. They are located outside the chest and stomach.


The next body in question is howorgans, - the liver. This is the largest organ in the human body. There is a liver in the upper part of the abdominal region, below the diaphragm. The liver is necessary for the person to accumulate useful substances and their distribution through the body with the help of blood, and also to purify the blood from harmful products.


One of the organs involved in the digestive systemprocess. It looks like a pear, it's a small bag with thin walls. The gall bladder is located just below the liver. He accumulates bile, which is released from it through the bile duct into the intestine. Bile in the intestine is necessary for digesting the fats contained in the food we consume.


Reminiscent of the shape of a large bean,this organ is located in the left side of the abdominal cavity. Before the birth of a human, the spleen produces red blood cells, after birth in the spleen, the dead red cells are destroyed.


She is in the middle of the abdomen, lowerstomach. If you want to know more about the location of the pancreas, you can read the article, which you can read by following the link. The pancreas is involved in the production of insulin, a hormone responsible for the normal amount of sugar in the blood. In addition, this organ secretes the digestive juice necessary for the digestion of food.


This organ is located in the upper left part of the abdominal cavity. Above it is located the esophagus, under it - the small intestine. The stomach chops the food that comes from the esophagus.

Small intestine

It is a long muscular tube,connects the stomach and the large intestine. The length of this gut is more than six meters. Its first department is the duodenum, the second is the jejunum, the third is the ileum. The small intestine takes the gastric juice and bile, and also secretes intestinal juice. All of them are necessary for the digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Food, vitamins and mineral salts are absorbed by the walls of the small intestine, and then transferred to the liver. From the liver, these substances are sent to the organs.


Located in the lower right side of the abdominalcavity, follows immediately after the small intestine. Then it bends in such a way that it rises to the liver, then to the diaphragm, then after the next bend it goes down. In its lower part it passes into the rectum, which ends with the anus. The large intestine is divided into sections: the caecum, the ascending colon, the transverse colon, the descending colon, the rectum, the anus. The length of the large intestine is more than two meters. The large intestine is needed to absorb water from the stool and move it to the anal opening for removal.


It is a small process of thickgut, which is combined with the cecum in the lower right side of the abdominal cavity. In this organ, appendicitis may develop. About where you can find appendicitis, you can read in the article, following this link.


It is a paired organ, each of the kidneys is similar tofasolin the size of a fist. The kidneys are in the back of the abdomen below the ribs. Kidneys are needed to purify the blood from harmful substances that are excreted from the body with urine.

Adrenal glands

They are located in the upper part of the abdominal cavity on the kidneys. The kidneys produce two important hormones - cortisone and adrenaline, and also control the chemicals in the blood.


These are two ducts that connect the kidneys and the bladder. On them the formed urine leaves in a bladder.


This bag, located at the bottom of the abdominal cavity, is located between the ureters and the urethra. Its function is the accumulation of urine.


It is a small tube through which urine is discharged outward from the bladder. It is located below the bladder.


An organ covering the whole body from the outside to protect the body and regulate the amount of water in it.


It consists of more than two hundred bones. The skeleton performs the supporting and motor functions of the body.

We briefly examined how the human organs are located. Study the structure and work of the human body, this knowledge will help you control your physical condition and health.

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