Organs of the pelvis are located in the anatomicalspace limited to the bones of the small pelvis. What organs are here? First of all, it depends on the body's belonging to a woman or a man. Let's examine in detail which organs are located in the female, male body, and also what organs are present in both organisms.

Internal organs of the small pelvis are women and men


Both female and male pelvic organsinclude this part of the colon. It accumulates, and then removes digestive waste from the human body. The length of the rectum in an adult is 15 cm, and its diameter is 2-8 cm. Behind it is the coccyx and sacrum.


It is located behind the pubic symphysis andis separated from it by loose fiber, which is located in the space behind the pubis. The tip of the bladder, when filled, contacts the abdominal anterior wall and begins to protrude above the symphysis. It should be noted that the proximity of the pelvic organs has a certain effect on their functions. So in case of illness of one of the organs, the disease can affect the condition of neighboring organs.

Female pelvic organs


This organ is paired. Ovaries mature and then develop eggs. In addition, there are female sex hormones, which subsequently enter the blood and lymph. The ovary has a slightly pinkish color, and its surface passes into the convex posterior margin and into the mesenteric margin in the front. Considering the structure of the pelvic organs of a woman, one can notice rudimentary formations located near each ovary. The adnex of the ovary is located among the leaves of the mesentery of the uterine tube. It consists of transverse grooves and longitudinal duct of the appendage. Near the tube end of the ovary, in the mesentery of the fallopian tube, lies the parasite - a small formation, consisting of several blind tubules, separated from each other.


The pelvic organs of the woman includeunpaired muscular organ of pear-shaped form. It is located in the middle of the cavity of the small pelvis, behind the bladder and in front of the rectum. The bottom of the uterus protrudes slightly above the line of the fallopian tubes. It has a convex shape. The body of the uterus is the middle part of the organ and has a conical shape. In the lower part it narrows and smoothly passes into the cervix, the lower part of which extends into the cavity of the vagina.


This is a complete unpaired organ located in thespace from the uterus and to the genital gaps. It has a tubular shape slightly curved from behind. Its upper end originates from the cervix, then it goes down, where the opening of the vagina opens its lower end, after which it passes through the urogenital diaphragm. It should be noted that the length of the vagina is about 10 cm, and the thickness of its walls is 3 cm.

Male pelvic organs

Seminal vesicle

It is a paired organ locatedside and back from the bladder, as well as from above the prostate gland. The seminal vesicle is the secretory organ. Its length is about 5 cm, its width is about 2 cm, and its thickness is 1 cm. In the section this organ looks like blisters that communicate with each other. Here the vas deferens connect to the excretory duct, where they form the ejaculatory duct. Its length is about 2 cm, and the width of the lumen at the beginning is 1 mm; in the urethra - only 0.3 mm.


In the pelvic organs of the man enters and suchmuscular-glandular unpaired organ, like the prostate gland. She singles out the secret that is part of the sperm. The prostate gland is located beneath the bladder, in the lower anterior part of the small pelvis. Through this organ passes the beginning of the urethra and both ejaculatory ducts. The longitudinal size of the prostate is 3 cm, the transverse dimension is 4 cm, and its thickness is 3 cm.

Also in the small pelvis is the setThe connective tissues that hold the organs in their places. The health of all these organs is very important for the body, since they are all very close and can have a negative effect on each other in the event of the disease of one of them. Now you yourself know very well which organs are located in the pelvic area. This information can help you to protect your health!

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