The word "regulation" is used in the scientific sphere, and it has different meanings.

Let us consider in more detail what is regulation, in what values ​​is the word used.

Regulation is the process of normalizing, regulating any body functions. This is the desire of the body to recover from damage or loss of any part.

In biology, humoral andneurohumoral regulation. Humoral regulation refers to one of the early types of regulation of processes in the body, which is produced through liquids (lymph, blood, etc.). Participate in this are the various hormones that secrete cells, tissues and organs. In highly developed organisms, humoral regulation depends on nervous regulation, together they form a common system. Neurohumoral regulation is a form of physiological regulation, where nerve impulses and substances carried by body fluids participate in the overall regulatory process. The higher centers of this type of regulation are located in the hypothalamus, and the nervous excitement arising in the brain is transmitted through its subcortical areas.

In addition, there is a regulation of imports. For more information, see What is Import.

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