The restoration of the auditory function is possible aftertreatment of purulent chronic otitis media, otitis complicated by cholesteatoma, after otitis media with loss of a certain number of auditory ossicles. Although in some cases, the question of whether it is possible to restore hearing, the doctor regretfully says that no. This happens with neurosensory severe deafness with disturbances in the work of the auditory tube, with significant destruction of the auditory ossicles, when only a part of the tympanic membrane is retained. However, with a normal condition of the middle ear mucosa and a slight perforation with a passable tube, the probability of hearing return is quite high. How to restore hearing in the victim of otitis media?

How to restore hearing after otitis

Reconstruction of auditory ossicles and drummembrane is performed by different materials. Usually perforations are closed with a fragment of the temporal fascia, which is superimposed on the medial plane of the tympanic membrane. Of the many cases of damage to the auditory ossicles, the most common is necrosis of the anvil. In this situation, between the stapes and the handle of the malleus is placed a spacer. A method is known in which the extracted anvil is remodeled and installed back as a spacer. In cases of more pronounced destruction of the bone chain, the issue of its recovery becomes more complicated. Sometimes only the base of the stapes and malleus are retained, then an artificial or bony columella is introduced between these bone remains. The situation is even more complicated in the absence of a hammer. There is a need for complete prosthetics of the auditory ossicles, from the base of the stapes to the tympanic membrane.

How to restore the hearing folk methods

  • Made from gauze turunda impregnatedemulsion of ground garlic and two drops of camphor oil, lightly squeezed and injected into the ear. The duration of the procedure for a child is 12 hours, for an adult - 36 hours. Course - 12 procedures every other day.
  • A pinch of a laurel leaf crushed in a coffee grindermixed with 0/5 cups of vodka and 1 tbsp. spoonful of 9% vinegar. Insist 14 days, after which the filtered solution is instilled in the ears 1 drop three times a day in the first week and 3 drops until the moment of hearing restoration.
  • A few drops of almond oil every other day are poured into each ear in turn.
  • Recipe for those with hearing impairment due toangina. Take the root of the aira (fresh), wash, grind and squeeze the juice. The resulting liquid is filtered through cheesecloth and mixed with 20% alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1. The medicine is taken 1 teaspoon three times a day before eating. The same composition is buried in the ears for 2 drops at bedtime. The course of treatment is 3 months.

As we see, folk remedies for hearing return are not as radical as surgical ones, but in some cases are very effective.

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