Sometimes it happens that a person accidentally deletes the necessary contact from the list in the Skype program. In this article, we'll talk about how to restore contacts in Skype.

Well, if you ever lose access to your account, you will need the article How to Recover Skype (Skype).

Recovering the last deleted contacts

If you accidentally deleted a contact with whichcommunicated recently, it's quite easy to save the situation. In the Skype window, open the "Recent" section (on mobile devices - the "Journal" section). It lists all the contacts you have been communicating with recently. Just select the right one, right-click on it and add it back to the list.

Restore from a backup

The best way to restore contacts in theSkype - use a backup, but this is only possible if you have one. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of its creation in advance. To do this, in the Skype for Windows application, expand the "Contacts> Advanced" menu, select "Make a backup copy of the contacts list" and save the file in a convenient place.

When you need to restore the list, openmenu "Contacts> Advanced" and select "Restore contact list from backup file". Specify where the file of the previously created backup is located, and your contacts will be restored.

If you do not have a backup and in the listthe last contacts are also empty, you can contact customer support and ask for a recovery. Just keep in mind that support in Russian is not available - you need to know English.

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