Gout is a disease, it is accompanied bya metabolic disorder. With this disease, urate, salts of uric acid, are deposited in the joints. What is gout is not known to all. This disease is also called the "Disease of the Kings", this kind of disease was still known under Hippocrates.

To date, gout is considered raredisease, since only 3 people out of a thousand suffer from gout. Men are susceptible to this disease most often over the age of 40, and women, in general, develop gout after menopause. What is gout disease? In other words - this is the deposition of salts, a type of joint disease.

Causes of gout

Steady and elevated levels in the urinaryacid is the cause of gout. During the course of the disease, urate crystals, that is, a derivative of uric acid, are deposited in the joints, organs or other body systems. After the sodium urate crystallizes, it gradually begins to be deposited in the joints with small particles. This process leads, if not to complete, then to partial destruction of the joint. There are two reasons for explaining the large amount of uric acid in the body. The first reason is the inability of healthy kidneys to cope with excretion, exceeding the norm, the amount of uric acid. The second reason is if the kidneys can not cope with the induction of the normal amount of uric acid ejected.

Symptoms of gout

A common attack of gouty arthritis isthe first sign of gout. An attack of gouty arthritis is an inflammation of one joint. Most often this joint is affected by the joints of the knee, ankle and the big toe. The attack, as a rule, happens in the morning or at night, accompanied by a strong, unexpected, pressing pain. The temperature in the joint area rises, the joint swells, the skin reddens, and then starts to shine.

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