Cholesterol is probably one of the mostdangerous enemies for the health of the human body. But in nature there are two of its varieties: useful and harmful. Harmful cholesterol, creating atherosclerotic plaques, clogs blood vessels. A good cholesterol, on the contrary, helps to remove these plaques and generally improves the work of the brain and the entire body.

Also, you should know that there are products that do notonly increasing the level of cholesterol, but also those that lower it. Let's find out what is useful to eat in order to lower the cholesterol level in your body.

Healthy food

Products that reduce cholesterol in the blood,interact with substances in the body in different ways. So, for example, soluble fiber helps to bind bad cholesterol in the process of digestion, not allowing it to penetrate into the total blood flow. Products with a high content of polyunsaturated fats reduce the amount of harmful and increase the level of good cholesterol. But the products that have stearines and stanols, in general, block the possibility of absorbing cholesterol by the body.

  • Oat flakes and whole grains

This product is the best suited forbreakfast. In 100 g. Of this wonderful dish, there are 2 grams of fiber, which binds and removes this bad substance from the body. Everyone should know what foods reduce cholesterol. After all, this is the food that contains a lot of fiber. Barley, rye, and wheat help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

  • Apples

These most common fruits contain pectin, which is a soluble dietary fiber. Thanks to them, the level of cholesterol decreases. Also, apple pectin is a good antioxidant.

  • Berries

In grapes, strawberries and blueberries are kept socalled flavonoids, which protect against harmful cholesterol cells of the body. Also these useful substances save cells from damaging them with free radicals. The most useful are grape varieties of dark color.

  • Nuts

Some scientists believe that if a personeat a day about 5 grams of nuts (this may be almonds, peanuts or walnuts), it will help reduce the level of unnecessary cholesterol by ten percent.

  • Beans and soybeans

This tasty food also contains a lot of fiber. In the beans are a lot of protein. Many people thanks to this completely abandoned the meat and switched to the use of beans, thereby protecting themselves from heart disease.

The most consumed products that reduce cholesterol are tofu, tempe, soy milk. High-quality soy products are an excellent substitute for meat.

  • Garnet

Pomegranate juice not only helps to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol, but also cleanses the arteries.

  • Greenery

Green vegetables, lettuce and spinach help to remove cholesterol from the body and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

In the fight against such an enemy, chocolate is the most delicious and pleasant weapon. But in this case only bitter dark varieties that do not contain sugar and milk are suitable.

Ration without harmful cholesterol

So, briefly list the products that need to be introduced into your diet to reduce cholesterol in the blood:

  • vegetable oil (olive or sunflower, corn, soybean);
  • poultry meat (chicken, chicken and turkey) without skin;
  • Mineral water, tea, natural juices;
  • meat (beef, veal, lean pork);
  • fruit (necessarily - citrus fruits);
  • prunes and raisins;
  • Fish (salmon) containing omega-3.
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