Everyone knows that cholesterol is harmful to the body. However, this is not a true statement. Harmful not all cholesterol, but only LDL-cholesterol, it is he who clogs the arteries and interferes with the flow of blood.

A person who has a significantly elevated levelcholesterol in the blood, doctors prescribe certain drugs, and also give recommendations on the right way of life. Let's see how to lower cholesterol, if there is no need for drugs, and what to do when the rate is significantly exceeded.


  1. Go in for sports regularly! Constant (even small) physical exertion on the body stimulates his ability to purify blood from fat after the person has eaten. Sport - the best method to lower the level of saturated fat, and therefore, to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.
  2. Do not smoke! It is smokers who suffer most from the low level of unsaturated fats, which means increased cholesterol.
  3. Watch your weight! The more body weight exceeded the norm, the more cholesterol your body will produce. It is easier not to allow excess than to lower cholesterol, if it has already accumulated in the body.


  1. Eat garlic that liquefies the blood.
  2. Drink milk every day (at least 1 glass). It helps to increase "good" cholesterol by 7%.
  3. Eat more fish (preferably boiled). It improves cholesterol by as much as 26%!
  4. Give up beer. It increases the level of "bad" cholesterol by 7%. Do not abuse alcohol.
  5. Eat less eggs and fatty meat. It is better to replace pork, beef with chicken meat.
  6. Limit the consumption of sugar and salt.
  7. Exclude sauces, mayonnaise, smoked products, fast food.
  8. Include in your diet nuts, because they normalize the metabolism, and the walls of the vessels make it more elastic. Thus, plaques will be very difficult to settle on them.


  1. Vitamin E, as a strong antioxidant, prevents the appearance of fatty plaques.
  2. Fibric acids, for example, "Atromed - S", "Tricor" or "Lopid". They allow you to accelerate the oxidation of fatty acids in your liver, which means lowering the level of lipoproteins and triglycerides.
  3. Statins, for example, "Baikol", "Mevakor" or "Leskol". They interfere with the production of enzymes that are needed to produce cholesterol in the human body.
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