Numbness of the tongue or tingling that the patientsmost often described as "spines, pins or needles in the tongue" are not unusual. Such a symptom in medicine is called paresthesia of the tongue and, as a rule, is accompanied by a slight burning or pain. Numbness of the tongue can occur along with muscle weakness, convulsions, pain or twitching of facial tissues, blurred vision. With complete numbness of the tongue or partial (can only dull the tip of the tongue), its sensitivity and ability to taste are lost.

Causes of numbness of tongue

Causes, from which the tongue grows numb, very much. Quite often, the cause of numbness of the tongue is nerve damage in the process of unsuccessful dental procedures (removal of the wisdom tooth or root canals), operations of maxillofacial surgery, brain damage or trauma. Stroke is an example of brain damage, and the consequence of this disease can be numbness of the tongue. Dull head trauma, jaw fracture can cause nerve damage, which can also lead to numbness of the entire tongue or part of it.

Allergy is another common cause why dumbTip of the tongue. Food allergies often cause swelling of the tongue or numbness. Numbness of the tongue can be a side effect of the action of antibiotics, when the appearance of which it is necessary to consult an attending physician immediately.

Numbness of the tongue can also occur during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester as a side symptom of hypertension and edema (late gestosis).

Sometimes the cause of numbness of the tongue can be a number of diseases, the symptom of which is the tingling of the tongue:

  1. Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disorder that can cause numbness in many parts of the body, including the tongue;
  2. hypothyroidism - dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  3. migraine;
  4. transient ischemic attack - a temporary sequence of symptoms that can be a warning of impending stroke;
  5. Lyme disease - a disease that occurs as a result of a tick bite;
  6. an aneurysm of the brain;
  7. cancer of the spinal cord;
  8. a brain tumor;
  9. syphilis;
  10. Bell's paralysis is a disease directly related to the numbness of the face.

Increases the risk of paresthesia of the tongueexcessive alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking, deficiency or excess of minerals in the body (calcium, sodium, potassium), vitamin B12 deficiency, radiation and radiation therapy for the treatment of cancer, heavy metal poisoning.

What should I do?

If the tongue grows numb,whether there are other symptoms of the disease (weakness, sudden headache, loss of vision or deterioration, speech defects), seek medical advice immediately to exclude more serious disorders in your body or timely treatment. Before a visit to a doctor, in order to better diagnose your condition, determine for yourself the answers to the following questions:

  • When did you first notice numbness of the tongue?
  • Did you have a head injury?
  • Have you done maxillofacial surgery lately?
  • Do you have any other symptoms associated with numbness of the tongue?
  • At what time of day does the tongue grow numb, and in what less?
  • What drugs do you take?

We hope our article has helped you answer the question of why the tongue is dumb and what needs to be done in this situation.

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