Often the numbness of the hands indicates anydisease, and treat it yourself, without medical advice, can not. You can cope with numbness on your own, when it happens occasionally and does not last long.

Numbness of hands: folk remedies

So, the situation: what to do, your hands go numb? If you need recipes for traditional medicine, you need to know the following:

  1. If your fingers become numb, what should I do? When your fingers become numb, not your arm completely, you need to prepare the following medicine: mix thoroughly half a cup of sugar and half a cup of vegetable oil. Then the mixture is applied smoothly to numb places. After that, the fingers that lubricated the numb skin should be placed in warm water for 45 minutes. Also in warm water it is necessary to fall asleep two tablespoons of salt, before lowering the fingers into it.
  2. Take a capacity of 1.5 liters., pour it on one third of the finely chopped garlic and pour water. Then this container is placed in a dark place and stands there for two weeks. It must be remembered that you must mix the mixture once a day in a container. After the container has been standing for two weeks in a dark place, you can use the medicine. You need to take 5 drops of medication three times a day, with the drops should be diluted with plain water in a spoon. The course of treatment lasts two weeks.

Numbness occurs rarely

Are your hands dumb occasionally? Then it's not a disease. This phenomenon can be explained by an incorrect position of hands, uncomfortable clothing or work that causes temporary numbness. In order to eliminate numbness, you just need not load your hand, because in this case the blood circulation is disturbed. After the blood circulation is restored, you will immediately feel your hand, and an unpleasant sensation will disappear.

Nemet one of the hands

If your left arm is numb, what should you do? This sensation, as a rule, is a sign of the disease. The main cause of the appearance of the disease is the lack of calcium, potassium or vitamins B6 and B12 in the blood. In this case, arthritis begins to develop, which is an indication that the body has a low level of thyroid hormones or sex hormones. Also, numbness can be a sign of a lack of blood sugar or long-term trauma to the limbs.

Nemet right hand, what to do? Regardless of whether your right or left arm is numb, you need to see a doctor in time. In case of frequent numbness of one of the two hands or two hands, it is necessary to do a blood test immediately, which will be performed during the passage of the medical commission. Time passed medical commission can save you from many other diseases, the appearance of which can contribute to numbness.

Numbness is very dangerous, since it can bepredecessor of a future disease, more severe, dangerous and difficult to treat. One such disease is diabetes mellitus, diseases such as pancreatitis or digestive system diseases are also known. Numbness can disrupt the work of the genitals, since in this case the amount of sex hormones will not match the desired. Perhaps the disease of the musculoskeletal system, which will be caused by numbness of the hands.

Hands numb at night

Nontrya hands at night, what to do? In the case of numbness of the hands only at night, it can be said that cervical spine disease or cardiovascular disease is manifested. To prevent numbness of hands at night, it is necessary to cure the cervical spine or cardiovascular system.

In case of numbness of the hands, first of all, youit is necessary to turn to a neurologist, because there is a very high chance that this illness began to appear because of the often high stress on the tendons. In this case there is a tunnel syndrome - these are sensory and motor disorders, which appear as a result of compression of the vascular-neural bundle. An experienced and knowledgeable physician in this case will prescribe electromyography. With the help of it, the degree of violation is assessed, after which, depending on the degree, a course of treatment is prescribed. There is a great chance that you will need to change your occupation.

About the reasons for numbness of hands, read this article: "Why are my hands dumb?".

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