Vitamins are very important for the human body. They help a person to be healthy and strong. In this article, we will examine how it interacts with other substances and why vitamin A is needed for our body. It is pale yellow and was discovered by one of the first, back in 1920.

Vitamin A (retinol) is a fat-soluble element,antioxidant, it improves vision, strengthens bones and promotes the proper functioning of the immune system. With it, your hair looks healthy, and the skin is always in excellent condition.

A lot of useful properties have vitamin A. For what we need this vitamin we will consider further. The presence of retinol in the body plays an important role in the growth of bones and teeth, normalizes metabolism, regulates the synthesis of proteins, affects the formation of new cells, and most importantly - slows down the aging of a person.

Forms and sources of vitamin A

  • The first form is already finished vitamin A. The second is carotene (provitamin A), which gets into the human body, it is converted into retinol, so this form is called vegetable.
  • Such products as liver, fish oil, milk, butter, yolk - are excellent sources of vitamin A. In beef and cereals, its amount is very small.
  • Experts advise to use vitamin A -women 700 mcg (2300 ME), men 900 mcg (3000 IU) per day. In diseases associated with a shortage of retinol in the body, the dosage can be added up to 10,000 IU per day.

Interaction with other drugs

  • Vitamin E (tocopherol) does not give vitamin A from oxidation in the intestine. If you do not have enough tocopherol, then retinol will not be absorbed in the body, so they should be consumed simultaneously.
  • The lack of zinc disrupts the activity of vitamin A and leads to a low intake of tissue. These two elements are dependent on each other, one helps to assimilate in the intestine to another.
  • Mineral oil, which is often takenas a laxative, dissolves elements such as beta-carotene and vitamin A. They easily pass through the intestinal tract, because they are already dissolved in the oil. But it is important to know that its systematic use leads to vitamin A deficiency.
  • For excellent absorption of retinol it is necessary that yourfood was, as much as possible enriched with components such as fats and proteins. Because the difference between food and mineral oil is that the human body can absorb the food fat along with vitamin A, which is already dissolved in it, but the oil product in the body is not digested.

Now you know which foods contain useful substances that dissolve better in the intestine and why each person needs vitamin A. Eat right and stay healthy!

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