Vitamin E - fat-soluble organica substance with antioxidant properties (which stop oxidative processes and according to some data the aging process). It is useful for the preservation of youthful skin, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and the work of the heart.

Where Vitamin E is contained is especially useful to knowthose who follow their appearance and health. After all, it is necessary for almost all tissues of the body and especially for those who plan to have a baby, since it is responsible for the state of the cell membranes and, accordingly, the oocytes and spermatozoa.

Where vitamin E is contained:

Since vitamin E is a fat-soluble substance, its sources will also belong to the group of animal and vegetable fats.

  • Vegetable oil - olive, sunflower,pumpkin, corn and wheat germ oil in particular. But when heated, vitamin E is lost, so it is more useful to use these oils not for frying foods, but as a dressing for salad or vegetables.
  • Nuts - for example almonds, make from them and cosmetic oils, which enrich the cream and shampoos.
  • Milk and dairy products - drink fresh milk of normal fat content and do not replace butter with margarine, so you and vitamin E will get calcium for strengthening nails and bone tissue.
  • The liver - the liver is rich not only with iron, but also with vitamin E, together these substances help with anemia, so learn how to cook it and eat at least once a week.
  • Cereal crops are also sprouts of wheat and cereals and muesli. Oatmeal and whole grain bread with bran will be useful.

Yet the main product, which contains vitaminE, are vegetable oils, but if they are hard to use often, you can use just a vitamin complex or the vitamin E itself, bought in a pharmacy. Vitamin E can be found in the form of drops, it is added to conventional cosmetics to improve their effects.

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