Such diseases as tonsillitis, laryngitis,adenoiditis, pharyngitis can cause sudden pain in the throat. The presence of pain causes such discomfort that the plans you have built will be spoiled for several days. Do not worry, there are methods that help to quickly relieve the pain in the throat.

How to quickly relieve the pain in the throat

To do this, prepare:

  • water;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • 9% vinegar solution;
  • honey;
  • milk;
  • ginger;
  • sunflower oil;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • propolis;
  • essential oils;
  • grass;
  • tincture of propolis;
  • lemon;
  • iodine.

A rapid effect occurs with inhalations andgargling. Prepare a solution at home: for one glass of water, add a teaspoon of each of the listed components in order of turn. It is necessary to alternate the rinse with soda, vinegar and saline solutions in the morning - every 30 minutes, and then, every hour in the afternoon.

If you mix sunflower and sea buckthorn oil and drip this solution into your nose, a slight burning sensation appears in your throat. But the most effective this procedure in the first day of the disease.

It is necessary to drink as much as possible warm, for example milk with honey and soda. Alkaline environment adversely affects viruses, and honey will stimulate the defenses of your body.

In a glass with warm water, add 3 dropstinctures of propolis and a throat with this solution. This will help to quickly remove the sore throat in an adult. Dissolving propolis for several hours in a row, you will achieve the same result.

If the body temperature is not elevated, pair your legs and make an iodine net on the calves.

Ginger is an effective tool for pain inthroat. Use it in the form of inhalation, rinsing, in the form of tea, or simply dissolve it in the mouth. Ginger has a disinfecting and toning properties.

The essential oil of cypress and eucalyptus is used in the form of aromatherapy with pain in the throat. Not inferior in effectiveness and warming compress on the throat and inhalation with sage, mint, chamomile.

The most delicious and incredibly useful remedy for sore throat is honey. It is enough to dissolve a teaspoon of honey with lemon juice.

At the first stage of the disease, it will be usefulchewing lemon. But you should know that after this procedure it is desirable to refrain from eating for an hour, since essential oil and citric acid should act on the mucous membrane of the throat.

How to Relieve Back Pain

Drawing pains during menstruation torture almost every woman. And any of them want to quickly remove the pain in the lower back. We will tell you how to solve this problem.

During menstruation, the uterus increases in volume,thereby creating pressure on adjacent organs. Therefore, it is important to monitor the emptying of the intestine on critical days. A couple of days before the start of menstruation, you must include in your diet unpolished rice, vegetables, bran.

Herbs that have a diuretic effect -bear ears, horsetail field, - in the form of broths rid of the feeling of heaviness. It is also necessary to rest. In order to exclude various violations during this period, exclude all kinds of stress, both psychological and physical.

It is often observed that the monthly ones are knocked outfrom the usual for you schedule in the holiday season. Change of climate, road disturbances, new impressions should not cause panic. Doctors say that close to 80% of unpleasant sensations during menstruation is associated with negative emotions. By taking this period as a reality, you will feel easier. You can restore the loss of protein and iron by including in the diet buckwheat, liver, meat, or taking preparations containing iron.

How to relieve pain in the ears

Garlic oil will help to quickly remove the pain in the ear. To do this, mix the vegetable oil and garlic clove in equal amounts. Close the dishes with the mixture tightly and let it brew in a warm place or in the sunlight for 10 days. Periodically shake the mixture. Strain, add a couple drops of eucalyptus oil or glycerin. Preheat the prepared formula before dripping a sick ear.

How to quickly remove the pain in the stomach

Use of antacid drugs will help to removepain in the stomach with increased acidity. Popular are: a group of proton pump inhibitors - omeprazole, lansoprazole; antagonists of H2-histamine receptors - ranitidine, famotidine. Helps the same: Almagel, Maalox, Gastal, De-Nol (but it is designed for a full course of application).

If there are no drugs at home, you can use these tools:

  • water diluted with aloe juice;
  • cognac - 50g;
  • sour cream, milk with a banana;
  • a piece of butter.

About how to remove a toothache or a headache you can read on our resource.

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