The most common cause of toothache is cariestooth and inflammation of the periosteum. All the "delights" of toothache can not be described - these sensations are unique, as they say, you will not wish the enemy. We will be engaged in self-medication, namely, we learn how to get rid of a toothache at home.

Folk methods

How to get rid of toothache? A further list of tools and methods was developed over the years by the experience of entire generations of people suffering from toothache. Remember that, probably, not all methods can help you, people are especially individual. So, to quickly get rid of toothache, you need to try something from this list:

  • Apply pieces of raw beet to the tooth.
  • Chew the grass with a soap dish.
  • Try to apply a sheet of wild garlic to the tooth.
  • Rinsing the mouth with psyllium infusion will save you from toothache.
  • Identify the side of the head nearest the sick tooth. Put the plantain root in your ear.
  • If you attach a sheet of angelica to the sick tooth, the pain will abate.
  • If you stretch the leaves of the mother-and-stepmother and attach them to the tooth, then this will relieve you of toothache. You can also set fire to a plant and inhale smoke, but this is not everyone will like.
  • Mix in equal quantities salt, onions and garlic. Put this gruel on the tooth and press it with cotton wool for 10-15 minutes.
  • Toothache will help remove garlic rubbedwrist. If you have a toothache on the right side, rub your left wrist with garlic, and then pribintuyte finely chopped garlic to the wrist for a while.
  • Pea of ​​propolis put on a sick tooth and cover with cotton wool for 20-25 minutes.
  • Try to put on a sore spot a piece of lard (without salt), between the gum and cheek. Keep should be 15-20 minutes until the pain subsides.
  • You can remove a toothache if you rinse your moutha cavity of sage broth. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of herbs, pour it with a glass of steep boiling water. Insist for no more than an hour and then rinse your mouth 3 times a day. You can keep on the tooth a cotton wool soaked in sage infusion, it also helps to remove a toothache.
  • Also, using a fleece, which has a droptincture of herb mustard, you can calm down the toothache. Prepare the tincture simply: pour a glass of vodka about 25 grams of grass and leave in a cool place for a week.
  • Butter oil and cotton wool. Handful of finely chopped herbs pour 0.5 liters of sunflower oil, let us brew for 8 hours, strain and squeeze. Use the same as in the previous cases: drop on cotton wool, attach to tooth.
  • To prevent toothache, before going to bed, keep a stone of table salt in your mouth. Small, somewhere 2-3 grams of mass. Somewhat unpleasant, but effective. After dissolving the salt, swallow the saliva.
  • Gather in the "pile" the middle, large and index fingers. Strongly push the whiskey down to the point of pain! Press for about a minute, repeat several times. So you can remove a toothache.

But no matter how omnipotent the traditional medicine was,remember that the best way to relieve toothache is to go to the dentist. Any methods described above, how to remove a toothache, are only a temporary solution to the problem. Removing the symptoms of the disease, we do not fight the root cause of its occurrence. A doctor and only a doctor - that's who can correctly determine the cause of your pain and choose a method of dentistry. Do not get too involved in self-medication, because while we reduce toothache, the disease continues to develop. And the consequences of neglected dental diseases are terrible, perhaps even you will have to part with your teeth.

Be prudent in matters that concern the health of your teeth! To get rid of a toothache is much more difficult than to prevent its occurrence!

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