The wisdom tooth, despite the name, is unlikely toto please a person, because often the growth of such a tooth is accompanied by severe pain. This is due to the fact that it grows very slowly and not constantly (that is, at times).

If you have a toothache of wisdom, you need to understand how to remove the pain.

Relieve pain

If you have a little pain, you can mute it with usual analgesics (Analgin, Ibuprofen, Ketanov) or a soda solution.

You can also use for this purpose tincturecalendula or propolis. Spoon marigolds are bred in 100 ml of water and rinse every 2-3 hours. The tincture of propolis should be applied to a cotton swab and applied to a sick tooth.

In this case, you can lubricate the wisdom tooth with iodine or rinse it with iodine. To do this, dilute a few drops of iodine (7-10) in 100 ml of water.

However, after all this, it's better all the samego to the dentist. Perhaps you have problems with the growth of the wisdom tooth, and surgical intervention will be required, that is, to cut the gum for a faster germination of the tooth. In the case of caries in the wisdom tooth, it is best to remove it. Specialists do not recommend the treatment of wisdom teeth (they are usually removed immediately).

It is worth noting that the problems with wisdom teetharises more than with all other teeth. The most common disease in this case is pericoronitis. It is accompanied by the appearance of fluxes and abscesses or other problems with the oral cavity.

In addition to the removal of toothache, read the articles:

  • How to remove a toothache
  • Than to rinse a tooth
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