From the first days of a baby's birth, his nutrition plays a huge role. Some parents do not know what to feed the baby. Therefore, to help the parents, we will talk about the diet of the baby for 4 months.

The main food of the child in 4 months is breastfeedingmilk. The number of meals is the same, they should be at least 6 per day. It is better to feed the baby directly according to his need. At the age of four months, you can begin to introduce complementary foods. But you need to do this correctly and in small quantities.


For the first complementary meal, afruit and berry juices. The first is to introduce apple fresh squeezed juice. Do this very carefully, literally a couple of drops for the first time. Then follow the reaction of the baby, his state of health, the stool and the purity of his skin.

If everything went smoothly, you can continue givingjuice. Each time his portion can increase by a few drops. With this use of juice in a couple of months, the volume will be about 30 ml per one dose.

Do not use juice left over from past feeding and do not give a daily dose at a time. Different juices are also not recommended for mixing. It is better to give them in pure form.

You can also use purchased juices. On the packaging must necessarily be written that they are suitable for feeding the baby for 4 months.

How to make juice?

Do it at home is extremely simple,even without using a juicer. Simply grate the fruit on a fine grater and squeeze it through gauze or a sterile bandage. Squeeze better immediately to a teaspoon. Make sure that there is no pulp left in it. Gastrointestinal tract of the baby to him is very sensitive.

Do not give food through the nipple, do it with a small spoon. If the portions are already large, use a drinking bowl.

From the age of 4 months you can start adding tothe baby's nutrition is also a fruit puree for the babies. This product is sold in stores and pharmacies. Fruit puree contains everything necessary for the full development of the baby (mineral salts, pectin, vitamins).


At 4 months old, you can start eating vegetablesmashed potatoes. It should be given in small portions before the day's feeding. To begin with, it is better to use a single vegetable. Good for this potatoes or carrots. Mix them only after the child has become acquainted with each of them separately.


To cook vegetable puree, finely chopVegetables and cook them in a small amount of water for 2 hours. Then, express the water and rub the vegetables themselves several times through a sieve. After this, the vegetable broth can be added to the resulting puree, bringing it to the consistency of thick sour cream.

We examined what to feed the baby in 4 months. When giving your baby a lure, be extremely careful. If you see the appearance of an allergic reaction, the lure should be temporarily discontinued. So that it can not be done immediately after vaccination or right in front of it.

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