Young moms, who have the first child growing up,learn a lot, worry about whether their babies are growing and developing correctly, asking many questions about raising a child. Moms of infants want to know what a child should be able to do in 3 months. We decided to collect for you the main characteristics that a healthy normal developing average child should meet at three months. Here they are:

  1. The weight should be increased by 700-800 g., the growth should increase by approximately 2.5 cm. The chest volume in boys is on average 41.5 cm, the volume of the head is 40.9 cm. The volume of the chest and head in girls is 40 cm each.
  2. Conscious movements. Parts of the body become more mobile, the child actively moves his hands: he squeezes and unclenches his fingers, touches toys, parents. Develop grasping movements. By three months the child is already holding his head well and turning it in different directions without obstacles. He also lifts his head easily when he lies on his stomach.
  3. The child is able to remember faces, so when he sees his father and mother, he begins to react to them. For example, he smiles and laughs.
  4. The skeleton begins to grow stronger, so the baby easily turns from back to back.
  5. Good reaction to sound. A healthy child will easily determine where the sound came from and turn to it. The child listens attentively to his mother.
  6. Smile and emotions. The kid smiles easily when he is well, able to express various emotions.
  7. The kid becomes attentive. He can spend a lot of time looking at toys, things, patterns.
  8. If the child is supported by the armpits and lowered to the floor, he will be able to rest his feet on the surface.
  9. Onomatopoeia and communication. The kid becomes more sociable, can imitate sounds, whimper, scream and roar.
  10. He drinks water from a spoon.
  11. Likes to swim.
  12. A child at the age of three months is already well-formed wakefulness and sleep. In general, he should sleep 16-17 hours a day, of them - 4 times (each time -1.5-2 hours) during the day.
  13. The child drinks that volume of milk thatcorresponds to 1/6 part of its weight. You can feed the child with special mixtures. Before giving any food to a child, be sure to consult a pediatrician.
  14. The child has lacrimal glands, so every morning, gently rub his eyes from the outer edge to an internal cotton swab dipped in water.

This is the main thing that a child should be able to do in 3 months. If he does not do something, wait a little. Perhaps, your baby needs a little more time to learn a new one. Well, if the child's condition causes severe anxiety, consult a pediatrician just in time.

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