Whatever useful properties might be richbreast milk, the child grows up, and it becomes insufficient nutrition in the form of only milk or its substitute. It's time to introduce the baby to the new food. How not to be mistaken with a choice at such a variety? What to choose: cereals or vegetables? From which porridge to start feeding? Let's figure it out.

So, the lure is the food allowed to the childfrom 5-6 months as an addition to breast milk or milk formula. Pediatricians are advised to introduce the baby to new foods, beginning with cereals and vegetables. If there is no problem with weight gain and there is a tendency to constipation, start better with vegetables. If the child is not gaining weight badly, choose cereals for the first complementary meal.

What kind of porridge to choose in the beginning?

Children with breastfeeding should be givenporridge, starting from 7 months, children-artificers - from 5 months. What kind of cereal is better for complementary foods, you will be advised by a pediatrician, the good that the choice is now huge. It is better to start with a powder, powder, their formula is specially designed for baby food, and a complex composition takes into account the needs and characteristics of the child's organism. Instant porridge is bred with hot water, does not require cooking, which means that they retain vitamins, so necessary for the child's body. Thanks to a special manufacturing technology, instant porridges are easily and completely absorbed. In addition, they contain probiotics, vitamins and microelements. Abroad such porridges are fed to children under 3 years old, while the composition of porridge for older children is more complicated and the croup has a smaller degree of grinding. Transfer the child to homemade cereals is better after a year.

There are several basic rules for how to enterporridge in the lure. Let's porridge before breastfeeding, start with a small trial volume (5-10 g or 1-1.5 tsp) and increase the portion to the norm in a week. Begin with one porridge, for example, with buckwheat, go to another one after the child adapts to the first (First week - we reach the age standard, the second - addictive, the third - a new porridge, etc.). Do not enter two porridges at the same time. At first, the porridge should be liquid, slightly thicker than milk, with age - more dense.

Types of cereals and their useful properties

To decide which cereal to choose for complementary foods, familiarize yourself with the basic characteristics of each:

  • buckwheat - contains a lot of iron, cobalt and other nutrients. It is indicated for anemia.
  • rice - rich in fiber, cleanses the intestines, helps with stomach upset. Caution with constipation!
  • corn (from 8 - 9 months) - improves digestion, cleanses the intestines.
  • oatmeal (from 8 to 10 months) - improves digestion.
  • Frozen (from 1.5 - 2 years) - promotes growth and strengthening of bones.
  • manna (from 1.5 - 2 years) - is very nutritious, restores strength.
  • pearl barley (from 2 years) - strengthens immunity, improves digestion.

Porridge containing gluten - vegetable protein,It is capable of causing allergic reactions, are introduced later than others. This is wheaten, oatmeal, pearl barley. To improve the taste in the finished porridge add a grated apple or raisins with dried apricots. Be sure to keep a diary of nutrition, where you write down the product introduced for the first time, its quantity and the child's reaction to the reception.

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