The pancreas is an important organendocrine secretion in the body. The main task of the gland in providing the body with pancreatic juice, which contains the most important enzymes for digesting food. This juice can be up to 4 liters, its composition directly depends on the food that has got into the body.

The digestive tract is closely related topancreas and any irregularities in her work lead to the development of diseases. One such disease is pancreatitis, which in the absence of proper treatment passes into a chronic form and constant attacks of pain will be provided. Also, the disease can contribute to the development of diabetes. So why does the pancreas hurt, what to do to calm the pain? First of all, when there is pain in the navel, it is worth to make an appointment with a doctor. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a specialist. Since the internal organs of the abdominal cavity are located close to each other and can not be sick at all pancreatic, but, for example, there may be cholelithiasis or a tumor.

Symptoms of problems with the pancreas

Pain syndrome occurs mainly in the field ofThe navel (the upper part). If the pain is dull or dull and about the same place, it is likely that the disease is chronic. If the area of ​​pain covers the lower back, back, abdomen and the pain is unbearable, burning is an exacerbation of the disease and without an ambulance you can not do. Pain syndrome with pancreatitis is accompanied by severity of the abdomen, nausea, it is possible and vomiting, and diarrhea.

To promote the development of pancreatitis can:

  • Overweight, frequent overeating.
  • Continuous use of alcohol in conjunction with smoking.
  • Disturbed metabolism.
  • Violation of blood circulation.
  • Parasites, viruses in the body.
  • Changes in the gland associated with age.
  • Complications mainly after viral infections.
  • Long-term use of medications.

How to get rid of pain

Pancreas is aching, what to do and how to imaginehelp? The following position helps to relieve pain: you have to kneel while leaning on your elbows. Do not: eat with a fit or severe pain. Relieve the pain will help put on the area, just to the left of the navel, ice. Also, a decoction of herbs (hawthorn, dill, chamomile, immortelle) will help. But to postpone the trip to the doctor for a long time does not follow.

Nutrition for pancreatic disease

Naturally, to exclude from the diet acute, fattyand accordingly salty foods. And also to exclude alcohol, nicotine. Exclude should be products that cause bloating, products with coarse fiber, rich in extractive substances. You can also add easily digestible carbohydrates (jam, honey, sugar, confectionery).

Eat vegetables, fruits, meatpoultry (lean) and fish, respectively, not greasy. Prepare the food for a couple or in a semi-liquid, liquid consistency. There are small portions of 5-6 times a day, in no case at night not to overeat. In acute and chronic pancreatitis, a long-term dietary supplement is prescribed.

Folk remedies for treating the pancreas

The removal of inflammatory processes in the pancreasIron contributes to the bilberry, from which the broth is prepared. For this, one teaspoon of leaves is poured with boiling water. The infusion time is 40-50 minutes. Infusion three times take a glass a day. The course is 14 days, followed by a break of 7 days and a second course.

There is a good result after treatment of the glandcollection of herbs (valerian roots, St. John's wort, dog rose, immortelle, yarrow, corn stigmas, fennel fruits, mint). In two parts of corn stigmas and yarrow, take a tablespoon of the remaining herbs. All you need to mix, a tablespoon of a mixture of herbal pour glasses, respectively, boiling water. Infusion to withstand 12 hours, take one third of the glass during the day three times. Such treatment provides for a one-month course.

If you have a pancreas, what to doYou now know. But do not forget that timely diagnosed and specialist advice is the right way to avoid subsequent problems from improper treatment.

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