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Where is the pancreas located?

The pancreas is an organ of digestion,which is not only in humans, but in almost all animals. The question of where the pancreas is located, people are mostly interested only when they have something hurts "somewhere in the abdominal region." Part of the people begins to repeat as a mantra almost the entire body structure: the heart on the left, the liver on the right, the kidneys at the waist, the stomach in the middle, the pancreas ... and where is it? Where is the pancreas located?

Where is the pancreas located

Where is the pancreas in humans,it is quite understandable already from its name - "under the stomach". But this is not standing, but lying, and this name was introduced by doctors and pathologists, because for them it is obtained just under the stomach when they work with the patient on the operating table. In fact, it is located behind the stomach on the posterior abdominal wall closer to the left side of the ribs at a height I or top II of the lumbar vertebrae. It is not very large, elongated in shape and approximately 15-25 centimeters in length.

The pancreas is connected by ducts withduodenum and delivers bile (pancreatic juice) into it. This is the process of further processing of food after it leaves the stomach. Also, the pancreas, in addition to participating in digestion, secretes endocrine hormones that participate in the metabolism, the most famous of them is insulin.

Why is the pancreas and bile necessary?she singles out? It is involved in the digestion of fatty foods and proteins, so those who have problems with the pancreas should refrain from meat and dairy products. The hormones produced by the pancreas are involved in the carbohydrate metabolism, that is, regulate the level of sugar in the blood.

Disorders of the pancreas

It can be ring-shaped and girdlethe duodenum, which in itself is not so terrible, but with inflammation it increases in size and blocks the movement of food in the duodenum, which can have a very negative effect on the entire body.

The defeat of those parts of the pancreas,which produce hormones, contributes to the development of diabetes, because the body contains an incorrect amount of insulin, which is necessary for the processing of sugar. In case if insulin is produced too little, type 1 diabetes mellitus appears - insulin dependent, which is hard to cope with metabolism by itself, and regular insulin injections are required. In the case of too much insulin, the sugar breaks down too quickly and the second type of diabetes is formed - insulin-independent, while this type also needs to monitor the level of sugar and, if necessary, quickly replenish it.

With inflammation of the pancreas arisepainful sensations in the area described above, as well as digestion processes are difficult and with the use of substances for the digestion of which requires the involvement of the pancreas. There are painful sensations and difficulties in the digestive process. Inflammation occurs if enzymes and other substances involved in digestion start to work not where they belong, in the duodenum, but in the ducts and tissues of the pancreas directly.

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