To know how to cure pain, you needunderstand where it hurts, how it hurts and what it hurts. Very often people complain to doctors about what hurts on the left: whether the stomach, or ribs, with the pain is completely different.

If the pain is very strong and it is on the left, then you needto understand which part of the body it hurts - the lower back, back, chest, abdomen, etc. It is also advisable to decide what type of pain. It can be aching, compressive, dagger, bursting, sharp. Any doctor you call will ask you to answer certain questions. First of all you will be asked about when and how the left pain appeared: after physical exercises, nervous stress, suddenly or as a consequence of illnesses. Also you will have to say how long it has been since the pain began and the nature of the pain changed before the doctors arrived. You should also feel if the pain on the left is still somewhere else.

The abdomen on the upper left hurts

In the left upper abdomen there are certainbodies, which, of course, can be something amazed and cause pain. To determine what hurts you, you should know that the stomach, spleen, pancreas, diaphragm and parts of the intestine are on the upper left. With some diseases, the spleen increases, because of this, it begins to ache. In addition, it can rupture, and then the pain will be left even more, in addition, the skin around the navel turns blue. If the intestines suffer, then in addition to the pain in the left side of the abdomen, you will suffer from constipation or diarrhea, a small temperature and spotting when going to the toilet.

Another stomach can be the organ that hurtsleft, if its mucous something annoying. The reason may be alcohol intake, potent antibiotics, too fatty and spicy food. The pain is rather weak, but aching and not lasting. Often there is vomiting and constant nausea. Hernia can also hurt, and then the pain will be given to the chest. Hernia can only be ascertained by an experienced physician, so it is better to call a doctor or go to the hospital with severe pain of incomprehensible origin in the abdomen.

The pancreas can also hurt on the left. In this case, the temperature rises, pain does not go away even when taking antibiotics, and vomiting also occurs. Especially often, pancreas pains occur in people who suffer from diabetes, smoke a lot, drink and just lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

The belly hurts below on the left

Pain in the abdomen is often enough andin men, and in women. First of all, pain can cause inflammation, irritation, infection in the intestines (colitis, ulcers, diarrhea due to parasites), squeezing nerves. If a stone crawls from the kidneys to the bladder, it can also cause a strong and sharp pain in the lower abdomen in the left side. If a woman so hurts at the bottom left, that she can not normally stand, such a sharp and severe pain can be caused by a rupture with an ectopic pregnancy. This is the worst scenario, so you need, first of all, to think about it and check this assumption for other symptoms.

If the lower abdomen starts to hurt in the woman's bottomat monthly, that, probably, at it or her an endometriosis. Very often there are such diseases as "nervous stomach". These are pains that arise in a person with emotional stress, depression, terrible news, because of which the nervous system fails and starts sending incorrect signals to the brain. To get rid of such pains, it is enough to drink a sedative or to remove the emotional factor that negatively affects your nervous system.

Pain left chest

Very often people complain to doctors about suddenattacks of pain under the ribs. The majority immediately starts to be frightened of heart attacks, strokes and other terrible heart diseases, although, in fact, usually everything is much more prosaic, especially if it hurts lower left, which is quite common for our not quite healthy nation.

As a rule, the kidneys can ache under the ribs. The reasons for this can be very different - from stones in the urinary tract to clogging the canals. Usually, such pain begins on the left side of the back, and then it flows over the ribs, with the pain strong and sharp. In addition, pain can indicate damage to the ribs. More precisely, the surgeon can tell only after the X-ray, so do not be lazy to go to the hospital for any pain left.

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