Water is a substance that is probably presentedlife to all living things on our planet. However, in some cases, water interferes with normal functioning of the human body. Today, dear reader, we will talk about how to remove water from the body. So:

We remove water from the body

In any organism, be it an animal or a plant, 50% of water is contained. Sometimes our body experiences an overabundance of water. Here's how to remove excess water from the body:

  • The main thing is for the body to understand that itsthe need for water is met in full, so he does not need to be reinsured and store excess water in the form of edema. To help the body understand this, it is necessary to follow the water diet. Every day, you need to drink up to 2.5 liters of clean water without any impurities. This will help the body to form the right water balance. Active withdrawal of toxins during the use of such a diet will allow the body to feel a surge of energy and unusual cheerfulness.
  • A very common cause of accumulationwater in the body is the salt that we consume with food. There is no doubt that it is impossible to live without salt. This is a drug that gives the food a special taste. If you see before yourself a clear task of getting rid of edema, then you need to reduce the amount of salt consumed. Do not limit the amount of salt at all, however, it should be reduced. Salt turns the taste of the usual dish into a more intense one and, in fact, strongly disguises it. In combination with a sodium glutomate, the dish turns out to be especially tasty, but less useful. Many nutritionists recommend using a salt-free diet, which also contributes to the smoothness of the skin.
  • Disrupted metabolic rate (metabolism withenvironment) - this is another reason for the water retention in the body. Many people suffer from this because they have to spend most of the time without physical exertion. No doubt, it is this factor that negatively affects our health. In pursuit of success and career growth, we completely forget that the body needs physical exercise. Various exercises aimed at accelerating the metabolism, will help you reduce weight and reduce swelling. Here, by the way, one of the exercises, which, very, well affects metabolism. Exercising in an amount of three times a day will already have a tangible effect. Lie on your back and lift your limbs (arms and legs) up. A little lie in this state, then start shaking your hands and feet. First slowly and carefully, then more intensely. This vibration tones the blood vessels and removes them from stagnant blood. Blood circulation improves very well. Another variant of the exercise is an emphasis lying on the back, legs raised up and leaning against the wall. A couple of minutes in this state will help you to come into tonus. Such exercises are designed to cleanse the body, including from stagnant water.

Products that remove water from the body:

Let's talk a little about how to eat right.

  • Summer is the time of flowering and ripening of fruits. That is why in this period of the year it is best to eat watermelon and melon. Without a doubt, these products very well drain liquid from the body.
  • Many nutritionists advise to prepare vegetable juices inproportions 1: 1, where one part of the water, and the second part - the juice of any fruit or vegetable. Carrots and beet juices are especially good for removing stagnant liquid. Cucumber juice also does a good job of this task. Instead of a diuretic, it is recommended to make juice from celery or parsley. A third of a glass of this liquid will strengthen the work of the kidneys. Mixing different products is the right decision, because the body does not have time to get used to the same juice, but adapts all the time to the new one, which gives the maximum of the liquid to be withdrawn.

Dear reader, please remember that any diet should be created taking into account the individual characteristics of your body. For this, it is best to consult a doctor.

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