Extra fluid in the body is formed for a reasonvarious pathologies, malnutrition and certain diseases. Often excess fluid leads to such an unpleasant phenomenon as swelling, and in general, it causes many problems for a person. Often he can not bend his fingers because of this or put on shoes. There are ways to get rid of edema and remove excess fluid from the body, but this problem will have to be approached in a complex way.

How can I remove excess fluid?

Proper nutrition

It is impossible to remove excess fluid from the bodywithout proper nutrition. In your diet you need to include proteins. The ideal option is to eat lean meat and fish. Cooking them is recommended for a couple, but you can serve and stew.

Do not forget about sour-milk products. They have a lot of protein and vitamins. And forget about such products as:

  • canned food;
  • sausage;
  • cheese;
  • ham.

They contain a lot of salts that hold upfluid in the body. It is better to include in your diet greens, vegetables, fruits. They help to remove water, moreover, they contain micronutrients, which have a beneficial effect on the general condition.

Try to consume less common salt, because it is it that holds up the liquid in the cells. Undoubtedly, it is difficult to refuse this spice, but you can gradually reduce its quantity.


Most often, people who have swelling,try to use less water. As a result, they make a mistake. After all, you need to drink two liters of water a day, it flushes the salts that hold up the liquid.

It is also important to note the fact that manyreplace water with tea, coffee, soda, juices. This can not be done, because for the body all of the above is food. These drinks do not wash away salt, on the contrary, they contribute to their deposition in the body. It is necessary to drink daily two liters of simple clean water without gas.

Physical activity

Remove excess fluid from the body will helpvarious exercises. Take for yourself the rule of giving them a daily at least 10 minutes each. A great option will be a half-hour run in the morning. If you enroll in the gym, it will be even better. All this will increase metabolism, due to what will swell edema.

Folk ways

To remove excess liquid, one can turn topeople's means. Carrots juice is good for this problem, it is recommended to drink on an empty stomach three times a day. Similarly, you can eat pumpkin juice, it has a softer effect.

Pay attention to the viburnum. Its best to drink with honey. It is necessary to prepare a decoction, pour 20 grams of viburnum with a glass of boiling water. Insist the broth should be in the thermos for an hour. Take 100 ml three times a day before meals.

Similarly, you can use beans and blackberries. However, remember that the herbs and berries organism can respond by rashes. In this case, you must immediately stop receiving.

More information on removing excess fluid from the body you will find in our article - How to remove water from the body.

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