The liver is a vital organ. Therefore, do not deprive it of attention. After all, you think that you eat so that your stomach and intestines feel good, you take vitamins "for brains", "for the heart" ... So why it is necessary to take care of the liver:

The liver performs the following functions:

  • Participates in all metabolic processes of the body (protein, carbohydrate, fat, mineral, water, vitamin, hormonal);
  • clears the body of toxic substances (in the liver, poisons are destroyed and moreover, the synthesis of useful substances from harmful substances occurs);
  • accumulates useful substances for the body. The liver is a certain "storehouse" of useful substances that the body starts to spend in stressful situations;
  • the liver produces and secretes bile, which is necessary for neutralizing poisons and normalizing metabolic processes;
  • performs protective and monitoring functions - i.e. maintains the normal blood composition, as well as immunity, helps the body fight infections.

Now find out that he loves the liver?

Products for "health" of the liver:

  1. Low-fat products of animal origin: fish (cod, hake, carp, trout), as well as chicken, veal;
  2. Vegetable crops: raw, cooked, salads. Cabbage, carrots, greens, zucchini - optimally with olive, linseed, mustard oil;
  3. Fruits and dried fruits: bananas, prunes, figs, dried apricots, raisins;
  4. Dairy products: kefir, milk, yoghurts. Best natural, low-fat, without artificial colors and flavors;
  5. Porridge: buckwheat, oatmeal and others;
  6. Pure water.

If to say in general, what foods like the liver, then it is low-fat, easily assimilated, containing many useful substances and vitamins products.

A common question, does the liver love sweet? - It is preferable to use natural honey. Sweet food in large quantities - this is an extra burden on this body. In principle, you can eat everything, but in very limited quantities, so that the liver can cope with the loads. And do not eat at night.

Hepatic products:

  1. All fatty foods: meat, fried, fat, butter. And also mushrooms in large quantities;
  2. Food with a strong taste (marinated, peppery, too salty), not an exception - garlic, radish and other vegetables with sharp tastes;
  3. Alcoholic beverages - give a huge load on the liver, and with excessive use lead to cirrhosis of the liver (minimally harmful - dry red wine in a small amount);
  4. Unwashed products - dirt on any vegetables and other products - the source of infections and liver diseases;
  5. Medicinal substances - the majority is "a blow to the liver" (always take only on the advice of doctors)!

Adhere to proper nutrition, drink more water and love your body, your organs! Be healthy!

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