The liver is a valuable by-product thatmust be included in your diet, at least occasionally. Beef liver, cooked in sour cream, is a real treasure of useful substances, among which are a lot of vitamins and trace elements. But not many know how to cook a liver in sour cream. And this, by the way, is a dish that is recommended for use in such diseases as diabetes, anemia, thrombosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system. Chicken liver in sour cream or beef liver, you can eat even pregnant women, because of the abundance of folic acid in it.

Liver in sour cream: basic principles

Although the liver is useful, but not every herloves. There is a way how to make this by-product tasty and useful. The dry consistency of the liver will be brought to softness and tenderness with the help of sour cream. Especially it is possible to cook chicken liver in sour cream. It literally melts in the mouth. Specificity of the dish will add spices and spices. You can add a little wine when extinguishing.

Liver in sour cream: preparation of foods

Do not forget that in the liver is hidden the organ thatcalled the gallbladder. And if you bought beef or pork liver with a bubble, then before you cook the liver with sour cream, cut out the gallbladder, grabbing around 4-5 millimeters of hepatic tissue around it.

Also in order to cook beef liverwith sour cream, it is necessary to cut out large bile ducts, cut off the film and soak the large liver in water for a couple of hours. In the event that you get a liver from an adult animal, which has a dense consistency, it should be repulsed in order to make it loose and soft.

With chicken liver everything is much easier. As well, with the turkey. They are softer and more tender in structure. They should not be soaked and specially prepared.

Liver in sour cream: a classic recipe

This is a very simple recipe that allowscook, really, a homemade dish, from which your neighbors and guests will be delighted. You can use any liver for its preparation. But the chicken liver will turn out more gently.

On a pound of liver take 250 grams of sour cream, 3medium bulbs, flour, salt, pepper to taste. In the event that cook beef or pork liver, cut it into slices and lightly beat off. After dipping the liver in flour, fry it until you get a rosy orc.

In another frying pan, choppedringlets onions, shift them layers of roasted liver, salt, pepper, add sour cream. At its strong density it is recommended to add a little water. Give all this boil, then lower the heat and put out 15-20 minutes. Serve as a second course, garnishing with potatoes, buckwheat or rice porridge.

Liver in sour cream: important tips

In order to deliciously cook liver beefin sour cream, there is one useful advice - to get rid of the characteristic bitter taste peculiar to the liver. To do this, it should be soaked for a couple of hours in milk, taking off the film. She will not only get rid of bitterness, but will also become more gentle.

There is still advice on how to get rid of bitterness. But it's good only when you need to start cooking immediately. Simply scald the liver with boiling water until the top layers begin to change in color.

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