A person is always interested in everything that concerns hisbody, so this question, how much the head weighs, may sooner or later arise. It would seem that there is a difficult one: just put your head on the scales. But not everything is so simple. After all, the head is an integral part of the human body, and it also constantly contains a certain amount of blood and fluid.

Depending on the different conditions, the number ofmay decrease or increase. So, putting your head on the scales, we do not know its exact weight. And since we can not weigh it separately, we must apply the mathematical method.

The skull of an adult weighs about 1 kg. If you add the weight of the brain, on average, about 1.325 kg. Next, eyes, teeth, nasal cartilage, ears, skin, hair - all this "set" will pull another 1.5-2.5 kg. It is proved that about 20% of all blood is in the head, and it's still about 1 kg. As a result, it turns out that the weight of an adult's head is about 5-6 kilograms. This weight is consistent with the theory, which proves that the weight of an adult's head is 5-7% of the total weight.

In children, the weight of the entire head is 25% of the weight of the whole body, while their skull weighs about 300 grams.

From our other articles you can also learn a lot of interesting things about your body. For example, it is interesting to read the article How much hair a person has.

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