Any diet should be designed specificallyfor your body. Each person is unique, so you can not force your body to follow a diet that does not suit him. This can be dangerous for your health. Let's look at the diet of Professor Usama Hamdiy. So:

The Usama Hamdi Diet

Here are the basic principles of the diet, following which you will find that you lose weight by leaps and bounds:

  • Drink the maximum amount of water per day that you are capable of.
  • Only cook vegetables on the water. You can add pepper, salt, garlic and onions.
  • Categorically prohibited oils and fats.
  • As drinks you can use soda and dietary soda in small quantities. You can drink it at any time. Also, you can consume coffee without sugar and milk. You can drink tea.
  • Strong hunger can be satisfied with cucumber, carrots or salad. Hunger should be quenched no earlier than two hours after the last meal.
  • Do not change the power mode in any way. Do not change lunch with breakfast or dinner with lunch and so on. Do not replace the product set with others.
  • If you do not have instructions on the diet menu indicating the amount of the product, then it can be consumed in any quantity.
  • If you stopped using the diet, then it will need to start again. So says Osama Hamdiy.
  • It is advised to start the diet from Monday.

Under this link you will find an accurate description of the diet of Osama Hamdi: the diet of Usama Hamdiy (egg)

The diet of Usama Hamdiy. Reviews:

"I sit on a diet the 10th day, it took 5 kg (75 = 70), I was tired of eating eggs"Anyuta

"I dropped 5 kg in 3 weeks. it's hard for the first 2 days, and then it's fine and in the evenings there is absolutely no desire. The truth after the termination of a diet, began to eat as usually and kg began to come back. Now I'm going to try it on her"kira

"Eggs are too much in this diet. People who suffer from gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should not use this diet"Mary

"So, for the first week minus 6 kg
I am very pleased. The diet is very easy to transfer, I expect to throw off for the remaining 3 weeks 8kg"Lena

"I have a third day. The first two suffered heavily, with a headache .. Today I feel good! lightness appeared! I had lunch with cottage cheese with a tomato - it was very tasty!
For 2 days or minus 2 kg. While the water is running out! but I'm still glad!
Go ahead!" Julia

"I sat on this diet exactly 3 weeks out of four. It is thin on 6 kg. I really like a diet that does not spoil the stomach and pancreas at all. In March, even the husband sat down on the diet, looking at my results. All 4 weeks fastened and lost 10 kg. - from 117 to 107. One single problem - and me and he had to alter or bribe a new wardrobe! But this is cool! I advise everyone to diet Osama Hamdiy!" Julia

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