Oatmeal is not just a porridge, which is so lovedEnglishmen. Oatmeal is a healthy and nutritious product. This is an excellent breakfast for everyone, and for those who want to lose weight, a diet for oatmeal will do. Oatmeal is famous for its rich in fiber, it is hypoallergenic, it removes cholesterol from the body, it changes caloric content depending on the additives, it has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and is prescribed as the main product for various diseases. Due to all these beneficial properties, oatmeal has a beneficial effect on well-being, on health in general and even on skin condition.

Diet on oatmeal - how to comply

Diet on oatmeal is one of the mono-diets (asfor example, a diet on cottage cheese), it is based on one product, in this case, oatmeal. Mono diets are strict, but the reviews are the most effective. For a certain time it is necessary to eat only oatmeal and a limited list of additional products. For this, you need perseverance and patience, and love of oatmeal will also be useful. Since the body does not receive many of the necessary substances, such a diet is better to accompany the intake of vitamins.

Such a diet lasts from a week to ten days, butmany try to spend a lot of time on it, up to a month. It's bad for the body, hard diets drain it, and you only make it worse if you diet too long. Therefore, do not delay the diet for more than ten days, before you again sit on the mono-diet, you need to wait a few months.

Diet on oatmeal suggests that for breakfast,lunch and dinner you'll eat oatmeal cooked on the water. You can brew it in a classic way, or pour oatmeal with water from the evening, you'll have a ready porridge by the morning. It is believed that with this method of cooking, oatmeal is most useful. If you are not ready for such deprivations, you can cook oatmeal with milk, add nuts and dried fruits, but sugar, salt, oil or honey can not be added to it.

Drink more liquid - it's better just water or green tea, but do not drink oatmeal, but drink in between meals.

Diet on oatmeal reviews gets good. Those who sat on it talk about well-being, lack of hunger. Diet on oatmeal allows you to lose from three to five kilograms per week. Those who want to lose a very small weight, stick to the diet a couple of days, and this allows them to lose 1-2 kg.

Diet on oatmeal and yogurt

Diet on oatmeal and yogurt differs fromthe previous is insignificant, there oatmeal is not brewed, and in the evening it is soaked in kefir - 2-3 cups oat flakes leave for a glass of kefir. If you have small flakes that you do not need to cook, then they soften up quickly, within 10 minutes. You can make a mixture of kefir and oatmeal rather liquid and use as drinking yogurt. This option, according to reviews, allows you to lose five or six kilograms.

It is important, as in any other diet, not to eat before going to bed. This is not necessary at 18.00, the last meal should be no later than four hours before bedtime.

How to maintain weight at the end of the diet? Diet on oatmeal is strict, but effective. But how not to gain weight, when it will end, because you can not go back to it right away? In the morning, eat oatmeal for breakfast, in the afternoon, replace the ordinary rich soup with light chicken or vegetable with lean meat, for dinner, eat fresh vegetables with lean meat. Do not rush to eat everything that was abandoned during the diet, return to your favorite foods gradually, ideally, replace them with less calories. Give up too fatty, sweet, fried, smoked. Perhaps these are obvious tips, but they will really help you not gain weight, and it can be easier than trying to get rid of it later.

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