That our pink heels are soft and notthey cracked, they need to be taken care of regularly. The manifestation of foot hygiene is not only an indispensable condition for their beauty, but also the prevention of various diseases. If a person has not taken care of this beforehand, and heels are cracking, then it is urgent to decide what to do.

Cracked heels: causes

To begin with, it is necessary to find out what the causes of such an ailment may be. If you find one of the following reasons for yourself:

  • heat,
  • beach sand,
  • sea ​​water,
  • bad shoes.

In this case, you should not worry. Many people have heels in the summer. You should just lubricate them with a moisturizer for the night. In autumn, the whole problem will disappear.

But what if the heels crack constantly? It is worth taking this seriously. Skin on the heels can serve as an indicator of how well your kidneys work. In this case, pay attention to the skin of the elbows. If the skin is constantly rough and cracked in these areas, it will not be superfluous to check the health of the kidneys and clean them under the supervision of a doctor.

It seems that all the reasons have been ruled out, but the heels are cracking ... What to do? Let's look at your food. To the heels do not crack, you need to avoid the lack of nutrients and vitamins in the body. When the heels crack, include in your diet products containing retinol and tocopherol: tomatoes, green onions, sour-milk products, carrots, liver, asparagus, spinach, greens, salad, cheese. In addition, use the egg yolk: in the raw form you can rub your heels, and in the boiled - is. While charging, go on tiptoe, and then on your heels, do raking movements with your toes, twist your feet in different directions.

Remedies for cracks on the heels

First aid for cracked heels will be very simple, but daily procedures:

  • During the daily shower it is necessary to rub the heels with a not very rough pumice stone, use leg scrubs.
  • After showering, each time lubricate the heelsmoisturizer: cream, gel, foot lotion. In many stores or in catalogs, you can find moisturizers for the feet specifically for cracked heels.
  • Now turn to the healing foot baths. Let the water be very warm, so that your feet can be steamed. Add to it a little sea salt and a couple drops of essential oil. The procedure should last for 20 minutes, and then the dead skin is removed with pumice stone.
  • Prepare a mixture of 2 spoonfuls of shampoo, a teaspoon of soda and salt. And now with this mass rubbing heels, that is rubbing them into it. In the end, rinse your feet with warm water and rinse the mixture.
  • Wash your feet with soap and dry them gently with a soft towel. Slice of lemon rub cracks on the heels. Leave your feet alone for 15 minutes, and then rinse them with cool water.
  • How to heal cracks on the heels, if your casestrongly launched? Prepare 2 plastic bags. Before going to bed, spread the heels with a very greasy cream or corn oil, then wrap the legs in packages. Fasten properly with any improvised means (you can wear warm socks). After the night, remove the bags, lower the legs into a warm foot bath for 15 minutes. Finally, treat the heels with pumice stone, and after drying, spread the cream. Such folk way needs to be applied in a day of 10 procedures. It is said that this method will have a strong effect if it is applied correctly.
  • At night, you can lubricate your heels with sour cream and again cover with a plastic bag. Such a tool will also act, imposing it only for 2 hours.

Combine ways to care for your heels, and youget a truly amazing effect. The main condition will be taking care of the heels every day, even if you just lubricate them with cream for the night. Also do not forget about prevention. When the heels do not crack, they also need to be taken care of regularly, so that in the future the problem does not happen again.

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