Our hands are subject to many influences, likethe side of nature, and from the surrounding space, for domestic chores and for work. Dozens of people look at our hands every day, so they should pay special attention. But this does not always have time. Diseases, beriberi, cold, contribute to the occurrence of cracks. And to get rid of them, it is worth the effort to eliminate the very reason for their occurrence.

Why does the skin crack on the hands

  • Prolonged and excessively frequent contact with water
  • Use of household chemicals, without any protection measures
  • Changing the temperature conditions
  • Contact with paints, varnishes, glue for repair
  • Abrupt change in air humidity

All these factors can lead to the fact thatan absolutely healthy person can crack the skin on his hands. Also, cracks in the hands can appear in connection with any internal diseases, such as:

  • Eczema
  • Fungal diseases
  • Disorders at the hormone level
  • Avitaminosis

In such circumstances, cracks can appearbetween the fingers, at the fingertips and on the palms. You ask: why are fingers cracking? Practically for the same reasons, but on top of everything, there may be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Why do my fingernails crack

There are many reasons for the appearance of cracks on the nails, but basically the matter is in the following factors:

  • Improper diet - to correct this problem, you need to include in your diet products that contain vitamins B12, C and A, as well as calcium, iron, biotin.
  • Lack of moisture and moisture in the nails themselves
  • Menopause in Women

Cracks treatment on fingers, skin, and fingernails

If the formation of cracks is affected, someexternal stimulus, it is worthwhile to limit its effect and to engage in treatment. If the cracks are shallow and appear occasionally, their treatment can be dealt with on their own.

  • Be sure to use gloves during contact with household chemicals, when washing, cleaning, washing dishes, as all chemicals adversely affect the skin.
  • Wash hands with herbal decoctions that have antiseptic properties. It is chamomile, plantain, linden.
  • Wash hands only with mild or child's soap.
  • Also in daily care for yourself is to include moisturizing your hands. That is, at least a couple of times a day it is worth treating the hands with a moisturizing cream or a remedy for cracks with a healing effect.
  • If you are constantly on handdeep abrasions or cracks, it is worth to see the doctor dermatologist, who, in turn, will prescribe a special treatment, after taking a scraping from the skin for analysis.
  • Often the skin is cracked due to a lack of vitamins, so it is worth to take a complex of minerals and vitamins needed to maintain the skin's elasticity.
  • To treat cracks in the nails, usevegetable oil. Using a cotton swab, simply moisten the fingertips with oil, and hold them in this form for several minutes, until completely absorbed. Repeat this kind of procedure several times a day.
  • Baths with a small amount of sea salt, after them a tray of vegetable oils. Keep the fingers in the solution for up to 15 minutes.
  • Broth of oak bark - two large spoons of bark are boiled in a water bath for about 20 minutes, after which they insist 30 minutes and the broth is ready. Dampen it with tampons and fix it on your fingers for the night.
  • Also it is worth considering that dry hands can bea symptom of any internal diseases, so do not torment yourself with the question of why the hands are cracking, but just go to your doctor for advice.
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