Lips are the most sensual part of a woman's face. Who does not dream of beautiful, soft and gentle lips? In fact, all this can be called a well-groomed lips, because only enough care for the condition of the lips will suffice, and they will shine with beauty and health.

Why the lips crack in winter

  1. It turns out, in a jocular advice "Do not kiss onIn cold weather, the moisture on the surface of the lips cools, provokes microscopic traumatism of the lip shell and removes the protective barrier.Thin lips become dry, their shell is thin and capable of cracking under any tension, for example, when you talk, eat or smile. in the cold you should not kiss, lick your lips, drink and eat whenever possible, but even if you do not do all this, and your lips still crack in the winter, there is a logical explanation to this: in winter you are subjected to a regular drop After frost, you go into a warm room, the condensation of condensation from the respiratory tract and moisturizes your lips on the lips, and only you will go out into the street after the store, for example, the condensate will immediately cool down.
  2. Cosmetics for lips should be selected in dependenceseason. In cold weather, it is not recommended to use a lip gloss with watery textures all for the same reason. The moisture evaporates together with the normal moisture of the lips, they crack, dry and flake. Let your lipstick, shine or balsam match the season!
  3. Why does the baby have a crack in his lips? Again, this is caused by moisture. If adults can easily explain that the habit of licking lips is to refuse in the cold, then the children will forget it.

Why the lips are cracked regardless of the weather

  1. At once about cosmetics ... Whatever the weather may be, do not advise using persistent lipsticks. The fact that the color fastness on the lips depends on the depth of penetration of pigments into the delicate skin of the lips. It turns out, that from a firm lipstick dry becomes not only a surface of labiums, but also deep layers of a skin.
  2. At resorts in hot countries, cracks on the lips - not uncommon. Natural moisture evaporates from the lips with constant exposure to wind, sun and salt water.
  3. If the fluid of the whole organism is lost, that isDehydration occurs, the lips also dry, crack and flake. Loss of fluid can occur with insufficient water intake, using strong diuretics, with vomiting, diarrhea, or high body temperature.
  4. Children often breathe through the mouth when nasal breathingdisrupted (stuffy nose, runny nose, asthma or even physical stress), and this leads to evaporation of moisture from the lips. That's why your baby's lips often crack.
  5. Is it possible that there is a shortage of vitamins? In winter, the body needs more vitamins A and E.

Why do corners of lips crack?

The reasons can be set, but here are the main ones, which should be taken seriously:

  • allergy (food, toothpaste, lipstick, etc.);
  • lack of vitamins, zinc or iron;
  • weakened immunity;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body;
  • fungus or infection.
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