What child did not see fish oil before? Modern children are lucky that they take it in capsules. And in fact earlier mum gave us cod-liver oil in a spoon. And even before the child learned what it is, in the kindergarten, the elders frightened this terrible nasty fish oil with a peculiar smell and taste. Now you can think about the beneficial properties of fish oil and look at modern research in this area.

Is fish oil useful and what is it?

We are talking about nothing else, like a fish product,which is produced from the liver of fish of the cod family. In fish oil contains vitamin A, traces of manganese, iron, calcium, iodine, bromine, magnesium and chlorine. Now there is fish oil, additionally enriched with vitamins A and D. Fish oil, as it turned out, is not useful to everyone, it has a number of contraindications ...

  • With increasing thyroid function, fish oil should not be taken.
  • If the human body has elevated levels of calcium and vitamin D.
  • Some people may have allergic reactions to fish oil or increased sensitivity, so you need to regularly monitor changes in the state of the body.
  • And also the presence of urolithic or cholelithiasis is a stop signal to the consumption of fish oil.

Than fish oil is useful

In the composition of fish oil are presentpolyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3. They have a positive effect on the production of prostaglandins in the human body, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. And they also regulate the correct absorption of fat in the body, promote the expansion of blood vessels, reduce the risk of blood clots in the blood vessels, which prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis.

Do not forget about such useful propertiesfish oil, like vitamins A and D. Vitamin A improves skin condition, normalizes the mucous membranes, improves vision in twilight and provides a normal vision of the color range. Due to a deficiency of vitamin A in the body, hair and nails can become brittle, and the skin and mucous membranes are dry. Vitamin D, contained in fish oil, helps calcium and phosphorus to penetrate into the cells. This point is very important for children under one year, as prevention of rickets. Children are useful fish oil, as vitamin D in it promotes the growth of human bones.

It was previously thought that the presence of fish oilomega-3 fatty acids can have a positive effect on brain diseases, dementia. But recent studies have not found any confirmation of this data.

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